Astrology Report Oct 11 — Oct 19
Friends, we have before us another challenging week of astrological aspects. We will get a bit of a break the following week so hang in there. With Saturn and Pluto loosely conjunct and Saturn at 25 degrees Capricorn through Oct 28 and Pluto at 22 Capricorn through November 20 this can feel like an excruciating grind, challenging us at our deepest levels, confronting us with loss and grief, with doubt and anxiety. Before getting into the details of this busy week of planetary aspects here are two quotes to ponder during challenging times.
First, a quote from the great poet Rilke: “We have no reason to harbor any mistrust against our world, for it is not against us. If it has terrors, they are our terrors; if it has abysses, these abysses belong to us; if there are dangers, we must try to love them. And if only we arrange our life in accordance with the principle which tells us that we must always trust in the difficult, then what now appears to us as the most alien will become our most intimate and trusted experience. How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.”
Also ponder this quote by Robert Farris Thompson from his work on Yoruba culture: “Like character, coolness ought to be internalized as a governing principle for a person to merit the high praise, “His heart is cool” (okan e tutu). In becoming sophisticated, a Yoruba adept learns to differentiate between forms of spiritual coolness — So heavily charged is this concept with ideas of beauty and correctness that a fine carnelian bead or a passage of exciting drumming may be praised as “cool.” Coolness, then, is a part of character — To the degree that we live generously and discreetly, exhibiting grace under pressure, our appearance and our acts gradually assume virtual royal power. As we become noble, fully realizing the spark of creative goodness God endowed us with — we find the confidence to cope with all kinds of situations. This is ashe. This is character. This is mystic coolness. All one. Paradise is regained, for Yoruba art returns the idea of heaven to mankind wherever ancient ideal attitudes are genuinely manifested.”
Now let’s take a look at the upcoming aspects. Last Friday’s Mars square Pluto is still strong and will be with us through Oct 28, returning at the solstice this December. Yes, Mars square Pluto for Xmas. With Pluto stationary and Saturn nearby this is a very strong Mars square Pluto. Avoid arguments, criticism and sarcasm directed at self or others. Walk away from belligerence. Frustrated libido and ambition, as well as repressed anger, can easily explode into conflict and even violence. Use this energy to reform and repair where possible. Catharsis by sexuality or creativity can help us to achieve tranquility. Mars is how we make our mark on the world, how we proceed toward our goals. Pluto asks us to make adjustments that take into consideration the greater good.
Yesterday’s Venus trine Uranus remains an influence all week, and can indicate breakthroughs in romance, art, fashion and finance. Try something new, something different. Find liberation by creating or enjoying film, fine arts, music or other forms of creativity. Surprise yourself with the beauty of nature. We can free ourselves from the constant burden of Saturn and Pluto by looking elsewhere. All around us natural beauty continues. The birds sing, the leaves change, flowers bloom. Look for small wonders. New tech, new communities can help us find ways to love life again.
Today sun square Jupiter was exact at 6:34 AM Pacific Time. The temptation to overindulge or splurge can be strong. Do so in ways that don’t cause yourself or others harm. Don’t overspend. Avoid over optimism, as all this Saturn and Pluto suggests delays, hard work, and learning are required to achieve our goals. But if you are chronically pessimistic deliberately cultivate some optimism. Spend a little time on something that might make you feel much better.
Also today sun inconjunct Neptune was exact at 8:31 AM. Inconjunctions can indicate problems with health and Neptune means over indulgence in intoxicants, toxic fantasy, doom scrolling, endless speculation, may result in exhaustion and even illness. Clarity is hard to come by with this aspect so ask questions and don’t assume everyone understands what you mean to communicate. Be sensitive to the feelings and needs of others. Meditation and dreams can indicate paths of healing.
Monday Oct 12 Jupiter sextile Neptune is exact just after midnight. This beautiful aspect can indicate spiritual evolution, artistic masterpieces, and the creation of a more empathic society or community. What are you devoting yourself to? This aspect is active until Nov 13 so make the most of it, but keep in mind that a sextile is comparatively weak, especially with Saturn and Pluto so dominant. We will need to make an effort to get the best from this aspect. Spirituality, meditation, psychic intuition, metaphysical studies can help us find greater depth and meaning in our lives. Charitable actions and contributions such as volunteer work are much more effective and satisfying than endless speculation and sifting through the tidal wave of propaganda that is social media.
Also Monday Mercury sextile Venus is exact at 9:39 AM. This lovely aspect can bring grace to communications. It is favorable for romance, art, writing and negotiations, but keep in mind that there are counter aspects like tomorrow’s sun opposition Mars that can intrude into the harmony. Watch out for submerged anger. Don’t try to force your way. Listen carefully, seek mutually beneficial outcomes.
Tue Oct 13 sun opposition Mars is exact at 4:26 PM and can be aggressive and even violent. This tends to be an irritable aspect. We can become impatient and reactive. Be careful when in transit as people are likely to drive aggressively. Don’t project your own anger onto others. Use this energy to get a little exercise, but do so carefully, as repressed anger, ambition or libido can cause accidents.
Also Tue Mercury retrograde begins at 6:05 PM so expect delays and confusion. Be patient when communicating and traveling. Ask questions. Clarify your statements. Mercury retrograde is not a good time to start new things, but it is a good time to finish projects and to reexamine where we’ve been and where we’re going so that we can adjust course. Introversion and thoughtfulness can help us gain insights that improve our lives. Pay attention to messages from your body and from your environment about areas requiring some tender loving care. Mercury retrograde ends November 2.
Thu Oct 15 sun square Pluto is exact at 3:15 AM. Another irritable aspect that sometimes indicates breakdowns in such areas as plumbing and appliances so go easy on yourself and your possessions. With Pluto emphasized now don’t dwell on anxiety, suspicion, resentment or hostility. Don’t become embroiled in speculation about what sort of horrible events may be around the corner. Catastrophizing is not the best use of this aspect, or any aspect. Catharsis can liberate frustrated energy. Meditation can help us cultivate tranquility.
Friday Oct 16 the new moon arrives in Libra bringing fresh energy, but with Saturn and Pluto stationary, and Mercury retrograde don’t push. Take it easy. Perhaps find ways to relax with some art or music over the weekend.
Next Sunday Oct 18 sun square Saturn is exact at 6:58 AM. This can indicate exhaustion, depression, feelings of failure and futility. But we can also build up our weak spots through study, practice and mentorship. Take care of chores. Remember that drudgery is actually prevention of harm. Simplify where possible. Get extra rest. Meditate for best results. Try to avoid casting a dismissive eye on yourself and others. Saturn is very strong at the moment so it’s important that we work with it instead of against it. When we struggle against what Saturn tries to teach us we invoke unpleasant consequences.
Also next Sunday Venus opposition Neptune is exact at 7:49 AM. Illusions in romance and art can be strong. The urge to find pleasure through intoxication can be urgent, but resist over indulgence as all this Saturn and Pluto can provoke unexpectedly dire consequences. In relationships seek clarity. Be sympathetic to the needs of others. Don’t allow confusion to frustrate you and cause unnecessary problems. For artists and other creative people this can be a powerful aspect of imagination and inspiration. Relaxation at the beach, lakes, a river, or a pool may help you enjoy life more, but do not take risks as Neptune is also an indicator of contagion and epidemics.
Also next Sunday Mars square Jupiter is exact at 10:38 PM. This can be an arrogant and aggressive aspect. Over optimism can cause us to take actions that violate boundaries or unnecessarily endanger ourselves or others in the name of a good time or ambition. A little optimism is a good thing as we consider how to achieve our goals, especially if a win for us is also a win for others. Avoid angry people. With this aspect conflict can easily turn violent. Don’t base actions on false certainty.
Monday Oct 19 Venus inconjunct Mars is exact at 12:03 AM. Again, inconjunctions are often related to health challenges. With this specific aspect issues around sexuality, gender relations, and the foibles of men and women in general can cause trouble. Ponder how to balance the side of you that wants action with the side of you that needs beauty and harmony.
Also next Monday Venus trine Jupiter is exact at 12:35 AM. This is a lovely aspect that can indicate breakthroughs in romance, art, finances and fashion. We haven’t had many good aspects in the last couple months, and it’s all too easy to miss them with so much negativity and the looming presence of Saturn and Pluto. So make an effort next weekend and the following week to find reasons to love life and to be optimistic about the future. Great challenges are ahead but that is not the complete story. This is a wonderful aspect for creativity. Bring more romance into your life. Get inspired by great art, literature, film and other creations of our better angels.
Also next Monday Mercury retrograde opposition Uranus is exact at 7:53 PM. This aspect is with us for an unusually long time thanks to Mercury retrograde. It can be very nervous, indicating anxiety, disruptive communications, jumping to inaccurate conclusions, and erratic behavior. Be careful when traveling. But Mercury opposition Uranus can also indicate genius, brilliant breakthroughs in thought and creativity, liberating conversations and opportunities, and technology that frees us from unnecessary burdens, so take time to explore ways to improve your life.
A note on Halloween. With sun opposition Uranus that day and Mercury retrograde this promises to be an especially erratic Halloween. Don’t take unnecessary risks. Be careful when in motion. Be patient with others and with yourself. The desire to break free at any cost may be quite strong. Plan ahead to enjoy yourself safely. Do something different so that rather than regretting another lost holiday you can look back at a creative Halloween 2020.