Astrology Report Oct 4-Oct 12

Ronnie Pontiac
7 min readOct 4, 2020


Photo by Tamra Lucid.

We have before us a week of both challenging and pleasant aspects, though with Saturn and Pluto stationary it may be difficult to enjoy the pleasant ones, but we can if we make the effort. Saturn and Pluto are long lasting planetary stations. Note that Pluto will be in the 22nd degree of Capricorn until Nov 19, while Saturn will occupy 25 Capricorn until Oct 28. With Mars square Pluto this week Pluto’s presence is emphasized, but it’s been some time since we’ve had more than one or two positive aspects in a week.

With such strong Saturn and Pluto this is a good time to remember that both planets are great sources of wisdom and of healing. Saturn teaches us limits, reveals what works and what doesn’t, provides mentors, opportunities for study, practice, organization, and simplification. Pluto can indicate deep healing, transformation, reform, repair. Though these planets are infamous as indicators of loss, depression and failure, sickness and destruction, they can help us achieve crucial realizations in alignment with a greater wisdom that is typified in the following description of a magus, that is, a spiritually advanced human being in the western tradition, written by Eliphas Levi. Feel free to exchange the pronoun for whichever suits you.

“They are without fears and without desires, dominated by no falsehood, sharing no error, loving without illusion, suffering without impatience, reposing in the quietude of eternal thought-The Magus welcomes pleasure, accepts wealth, deserves honor, but is never their slave; he knows how to be poor, to abstain, and to suffer; he endures oblivion willingly because he is lord of his own happiness, and expects or fears nothing from the caprice of fortune. He can love without being beloved; he can create imperishable treasures, and exalt himself above the level of honors or the prizes of the lottery. He possesses that which he seeks, namely, profound peace. He regrets nothing which must end, but remembers with satisfaction that he has met with good in all. His hope is a certitude, for he knows that good is eternal and evil transitory. He enjoys solitude, but does not fly the society of man; he is a child with children, joyous with the young, serious with the old, patient with the foolish, happy with the wise. He smiles with all who smile, and mourns with all who weep; applauding strength, he is yet indulgent to weakness; offending no one, he has himself no need to pardon, for he never thinks himself offended; he pities those who misconceive him, and seeks an opportunity to serve them; by the force of kindness only does he avenge himself on the ungrateful-”

Ponder the possibility that the future of America isn’t a theocratic military surveillance autocracy or a liberal medical corporate nanny state. The difficult truth is that those dancing for joy at Trump catching the virus and those earnestly praying for his speedy recovery need each other, like the right brain needs the left. They evolve each other. Their clashing and blending has always been the history of America. Saturn and Pluto can be very critical, very judgmental, even cruel. Don’t condemn people for believing differently than you do. Allow them to have their own beliefs and reactions. No one is right all the time.

Pluto was stationary direct around dawn this morning. Saturn was stationary at the end of September. Their exact conjunction in January 2020 coincided with the beginning of the pandemic. Now we have another key moment in the crisis with the president in the hospital and surges in the midwest. This is not a good time for taking risks. Nor is this a good time for trying to force your opinions on others. Violence, breakdowns, exhaustion, anxiety, fear, destructive anger, toxic suspicion, caustic speculation, and envy are negative Pluto qualities. Avoid them. Instead cultivate tranquility. Repair and reform where possible. Surrender what must be surrendered. Research and apply techniques of deep healing. Seek transformation through meditation and ritual. Release tension by catharsis, sexual or creative. Explore the mysteries of life and rediscover a sense of awe and wonder.

Wed Oct 7 Mercury opposition Uranus is exact at 1:55 PM. Be careful in transit and in communication as accidents can occur. Erratic movement, anxious thoughts, shocking news, trouble with technology, are possible. Don’t waste this energy on gossip, speculation, or arguing over the future. Use it to figure out solutions to problems. For writers and other creative people this can be a time when flashes of genius brighten your creations, especially with the inspiring Jupiter Neptune sextile almost exact. Research new tech and new communities that will help you free your mind and bring your communications into the present.

Thu Oct 8 Venus inconjunct Chiron is exact at 8:18 AM. Chiron can indicate healing through crisis, and inconjuctions can involve health issues. Females and creatives in particular may find themselves in need of some tender loving care. Do the things that keep you healthy, but also take time to enjoy life a little. Do something that makes you feel a sense of harmony and beauty. For all of us, with this aspect, healing can be found in music, the arts, romance, in the beauty of nature, and the inspiration of creativity.

Fri Oct 9 Mars square Pluto is exact at 6:09 AM. This can be a violent aspect. It will be with us not only this week but next. You may have noticed it operating in your own life last week and perhaps earlier for the more sensitive among you. Hatred, arrogance, destructive fury, health breakdowns related to anxiety and frustration, the desire to dominate, to force a way without regard for anyone else, are among the negative qualities of this aspect. Be careful out there. Don’t drive aggressively, and walk away from belligerence. Also, not a good time for risk taking as Pluto can have unexpectedly harsh consequences for those who heedlessly push forward.

Also Fri the dark of the moon arrives at 5:40 PM in Cancer. Get some extra rest for the next seven days. Usually this is not a good time for initiating new projects. But it is a good time for finishing work, and recharging. Take it easy. Enjoy being home. Someday you may look back wistfully at all the time you had. Are you using to wisely? Are you appreciating the possibilities?

Sat Oct 10 Venus trine Uranus is exact at 4:08 PM making this week, this weekend and next week a great time to bring some excitement to romance and to the arts. Liberate your creativity. With Saturn and Pluto so strong it may be difficult to enjoy this wonderful aspect. Make the effort. Do something artistic. Accentuate love. Find new tech and new opportunities in relationships and in your creative work. Can you imagine a beautiful tomorrow? Can you imagine a world where technology liberates us from many of today’s most pressing problems? Fall in love with the future.

Sun Oct 11 sun square Jupiter is exact at 6:24 AM. At worst this can be an aspect of arrogance and over spending, over indulging, and over optimism. Resist the urge to splurge unless you can do so without harm. Put this optimism to work by identifying opportunities and considering how to best facilitate them. Deliberately adopt a positive attitude. But be sure to pay attention to facts. Not a good time for wearing rose colored glasses.

Also on Sunday, sun inconjunct Neptune at 8:31 AM can indicate health issues around over indulgence in intoxication and escapism. Exhaustion is possible. Drifting from one imagined scenario to another can deplete energy. People can be spaced out so watch out when commuting, and since Neptune rules pandemics, once again, this is not a good time for taking risks. Imagination, inspiration, acts of charity, meditation are ways to enjoy the better possibilities of this aspect. Moderate intoxication that helps you relax is another. Take some time to daydream, but don’t daydream about morbid or anxious scenarios.

Mon Oct 12, Indigenous Peoples Day, Jupiter sextile Neptune is exact just after midnight. This sextile lasts until Nov 20. A wonderful time to develop a more soulful way of being. An aspect that can indicate the creation of masterpieces. At the very least enjoy an epic movie, read a joyous book, or listen to a symphony or a concept album. The urge to intoxication to help oil the gears of a good time can be very strong. Don’t overdo, because exhaustion and even illness can be the result of chronic over indulgence. For those who are creative the next 39 days are a fantastic opportunity to do some of your best work. For meditators, students of metaphysics, mystics, and psychics this can be a time of breakthroughs in understanding and the evolution of the soul. Don’t waste this aspect in endless speculation and battles of ideology. Put it to work creatively and you may be blessed by the creation of something truly beautiful and meaningful.

Also Mon Mercury sextile Venus is exact at 9:39 AM, another excellent aspect for creativity, especially in music and writing. Communications can go smoothly, but remember the moon is still dark, so finishing is better than starting. In romance this is a time when important insights can be shared. Read, watch or listen to something beautiful and inspiring.



Ronnie Pontiac
Ronnie Pontiac

Written by Ronnie Pontiac

A place for my writing about spiritual mysteries, American Metaphysical Religion, astrology, and related subjects. As a kid I was mentored by Manly P. Hall.

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