Astrology Report Sep 14–20
Mon Sep 14 Sun trine Pluto is exact at 4:09 PM Pacific. We’ve been seeing so much of the destruction and death side of Pluto it may be hard to remember that Pluto also indicates repair, reform, healing, rebirth and tranquility. The deep suffering and chaos of these days are revealing the shadow of America as never before. Answers to these issues are being discussed, organized and implemented. Use willpower to turn your attention away from anxiety. Research, and clearing out what is no longer useful, can help you feel better.
Tue Sep 15 Venus square Uranus exact at 8:29 AM can indicate a powerful urge for the new, the different, the exotic. This is a good aspect for exploring new tech that can improve creativity and romance. Squares can provoke irritation. Don’t let the need for a new direction cause unnecessary friction or disruption to relationships and artistic endeavors you value. Do something different. With Venus trine Chiron we can accomplish a breakthrough in the arts or romance if we can set aside the pessimism and fear that are resonating in millions if not billions of lives, across all social media platforms. Instead, find something new to love about life.
Thu Sep 17 Mercury square Jupiter is exact just after 3:30 AM. This aspect indicates risk of over optimism, talking too much, spending too much, and over indulgence in general. Do consider what opportunities you might be overlooking. Has your definition of success evolved? Enjoy some humor. Optimism is healthy, but don’t put your faith in unproven, too good to be true situations.
Also Thu the new moon in Virgo arrives at 4 AM. Until then avoid starting new projects and get a little extra rest. We may be feeling a bit more energetic once we get out of the dark of the moon.
Also Thu Sun trine Saturn is exact at 2:36 PM, a good aspect for organizing, for work that requires patience and thorough attention. Simplify where possible. Mediate and meditate. Consult with a mentor. Study and practice. What is really your business and what is not? What is your responsibility? If you are concerned about the fires what can you do to help? Can you donate? Can you organize relief? Can you support people working to make important changes that can prevent future suffering? The same applies to politics. If you feel anxious about the upcoming election how can you support the causes and candidates you think are most important. Taking even small actions can make a difference, not just for individuals, but for society.
Fri Sep 18 Mercury inconjunct Neptune is exact at 1:05 PM. With three inconjunctions from Friday to Monday health issues may require attention. Prevention is key. Mercury inconjunct Neptune can indicate pandemic related issues, it’s potentially an aspect of contagion. Over intoxication, exhaustion, and preoccupation with collective delusions can create physical issues. Do all the things that help you stay healthy. Minimize the habits that hurt your well being. Watch out for air quality, you don’t want to be exercising outside if you are near the fires.
Sat Sep 19 Sun inconjunct Mars is exact at 2:55 PM indicating health issues around suppressed anger, ambition, or libido. Avoid lashing out due to frustrated ego. Instead ponder how you can adjust your game. How can you channel anger constructively? Does your ambition include the needs of others? Is your libido getting lost in negative emotions and speculation? Every time we feel the fear of the future or anger at the stupidity of the present, or past, we flush our bodies with chemicals that can be toxic when they are allowed to become chronic. Take time to recharge. Gentle exercise like yoga can really help.
Sun Sep 20 Mercury square Pluto is exact at 10:21 PM. On the negative side this aspect can indicate preoccupation with death, destruction, political paranoia, conspiracies, and crime. But it is excellent for research, especially where the subject relates to healing, repair, and reform. Criticism can turn cruel, whether directed at self or others. Don’t make enemies because you just have to say something devastating. Read something that helps you feel healthier, and more tranquil.
Monday Sep 21 Venus inconjunct Jupiter is exact at 6:12 PM, often indicating health crises caused by over indulgence. Avoid over spending, splurging on sweets or alcohol, and overly optimistic perspectives on art, finances and romance. On the other hand we can find healing through beauty and through grounded optimism. Tension in relationships, melodramatic obsessions, and scandals are possible. Tact, grace, and charm can go a long way if you want to avoid trouble.
Keep in mind that we are moving toward Saturn stationary direct square Mars on Tue Sep 29 and Pluto stationary direct Sunday Oct 4. These astrological events call back to the Saturn Pluto conjunction that commenced this year of intense challenges. The moderate progress of the pandemic so far seems hopeful as we’ve had aspects that could have exasperated the situation. Remember that astrology does not indicate exact outcomes, but rather a spectrum of possibilities. Getting to the good side of that spectrum requires wisdom in our individual and collective choices. These Saturn Pluto stations could indicate another major crisis, or they could indicate the beginning of the end of the crisis. Which will depend on what we do, each of us. If enough of us act wisely worst case scenarios may be avoided. This Saturn Pluto station indicates a strong focus on endings and on limitations. Meditation can be very helpful during this time. Take it easy. Get extra rest. Eat well. Learn well.
While Mars will continue to stir up trouble through the end of the year, after the Saturn Pluto stations we have two more big moments astrologically speaking before 2020 enters the history books. Jupiter conjunct Pluto Nov 12 and Jupiter conjunct Saturn December 21. The first suggests further chaos in political and financial markets. Talk of Trump declaring martial law if he loses is troubling with this aspect, as Jupiter rules government and Pluto can indicate the ruthless use of force. But this aspect could also indicate the end of one cycle of government and the beginning of a new one. Again, all our individual actions from now until then will decide which scenario we experience.
Jupiter conjunct Saturn, the so called Great Conjunction, is a 20 year cycle that often ends with difficulties aplenty. The last one ended with the tech bubble crashing and the Y2K panic. The cycle about to begin is Aquarius, the first in an air sign for many cycles, and the first in Aquarius in hundreds of years. We can hope that it brings a more elevated perspective and a society where science has a conscience. Don’t let the storms of 2020 leave you in a state of exhaustion or bitterness when the new cycle begins. If we prepare well and pace ourselves we will be ready for the opportunities. But with Saturn in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus next year we can expect the conflict between conservatives and progressives to continue, whoever wins the election. Focus on what you can do to improve your life, and the lives of those you care about.
Consider the difference between pronoia and paranoia. Paranoia tells us that there are conspiracies everywhere trying to harm us. Pronoia suggests that the world is conspiring to help us, to teach us. Even the most harsh and sorrowful experiences can have much to teach us. Even our mistakes can lead to wisdom. Consider this quote by Theodore Adorno: “In the face of despair, we must try to contemplate all things as they would present themselves from the standpoint of redemption.”