Astrology Report Sep 20–27
Before we get into this week’s astrology, I would like to share with you what may be a helpful insight from the Chinese Classic The Secret of the Golden Flower (read Cleary’s version not Wilhelm).
Consider all the effort it took to be you. All the physical growing you had to do. All the education. All the people who contributed to everything from the food you ate to the clothes you wear. You are an immensely complex wonder of cooperating individualities. You have memory, a mind, and emotions. You have dreams. You’re a veritable miracle in miniature. And yet, especially during bad times, we feel as if we are trapped in a nightmarish contrivance in a cold impersonal world where nothing escapes the grinder.
Back to the Secret of the Golden Flower. When a soul incarnates, the lower soul, the energy of the soul that creates and dwells with the body, falls in love with death. We play games where we kill and get killed. We watch movies featuring spectacularly gory scenes. We trophy hunt. We obsess on death statistics and morbidly dwell on apprehensive imagination. Or we consume ourselves with anger and hatred for those we disagree with, blaming them for the entire mess that it takes all of us to create, fantasizing a self righteous mayhem. This happens because the lower soul finds the body claustrophobic and disconcerting. The other side of the miracle that is the body is its physical limitations and the constant threat of succumbing to illness or accident, amplified by all media daily because it’s a great way to sell soap.
If you are living in dread of your body and society, of what’s going to happen next. If you are dwelling on losses, depression, pessimism, and anger. If you feel life is only cruel, that you are powerless. If you wonder what sort of cruel world subjects ephemeral beings to such mindless suffering, you are centered in the lower soul. You are also flushing your body with chemicals and hormones that become toxic when chronic. All the aggregate of beings cooperating to be you are shaken with doubt about the whole project.
But the higher soul, which retains its connection to the unobstructed universe outside of time, the pure individualized consciousness of the innermost you, never forgets what a miracle and privilege it is to participate in this most amazing artistic extravanganza, our world itself. We grow, we learn, we experience, we make mistakes, we succeed, we fail, it’s all part of the marvelous learning experience of the ultimate multimedia game, life itself. The higher soul not only cherishes every moment in this ever changing mutual creation, it also cherishes fellow voyagers.
So instead of lapsing into exhausted crapulence, look around you at the people, the animals, the plants, the art, the books, at everyone you love, everything that you depend on daily, and feel a sense of wonder about what it took for all this to be going on. What will you do with those hands and that brain? What would you do if you were an immortal having a mortal adventure? What do you want to experience while you’re here?
Astrologically, the next four weeks call back to early 2020 when Saturn was exactly conjunct Pluto, indicating something drastic, a challenge to the entire structure and function of our society. Throw in the ongoing U.S. Pluto return and you’ve got crisis on top of crisis. Saturn and Pluto are conjunct again, but not exactly, and the conjunction will not become exact. However, first Saturn then Pluto will stationary direct within a few days of each other. Once again we will have Saturn and Pluto flavored events predominating. The death of an iconic justice is an example of the Saturn and Pluto experience. Endings and fear, collapse and violence, depression and hatred, oppression and rebellion, the shadow of not just America but the whole world is on display.
We see a pattern in postmodern America. Swing to the left Clinton. Swing to the right Bush. Swing to the left Obama. Eight years of each. The question is has Trump packed eight years of disillusionment into one term? Even if Trump gets a second term, that will pull back the string of the bow further, assuring a commensurate response in the opposite direction. Now on to this week’s astrology.
Tonight at 10:21 PM Mercury square Pluto is exact.. Avoid sarcasm, being over critical, becoming obsessive. This is a good aspect for doing research, especially about healing, repair and reform. How can you transform your life? Give some thought to what no longer works for you. What would rebirth mean to you? Who will you be after Trump and the pandemic have become history? How can you contribute to fixing what’s broken?
Monday Sep 21 Venus inconjunct Jupiter is exact at 8:12 PM , Inconjunctions can indicate trouble with health, and with Venus and Jupiter involved over indulgence may be to blame. Don’t let a desire to experience a little fun or comfort translate to extravagance.
Tue Sep 22 sun enters Libra at 6:31 AM bringing a less analytic and critical atmosphere. Art and romance are favored. Seek to be fair and to find the balance that allows both parties in an arrangement to benefit. Enjoy some poetry or painting. Do some yoga.
Wed Sep 23 Mercury square Saturn at 3:36 AM can be pessmismistic and critical. We will have a lot to think about and talk about regarding all this Saturn and Pluto action. As individuals we can use this aspect to identify weaknesses and strengthen them with practice and study. We can speak with a mentor. We can get organized, simplify, and get rid of what we no longer need. Consider getting extra rest.
Also Wed Venus inconjunct Neptune at 5 ;45 AM could indicate health issues around recreational drinking or other forms of intoxication so be careful. Searching for a buzz could lead to over doing it. In romance miscommunication and misapprehension may require attention to clarify what is actually going on. Not a great aspect for creativity unless you let the imagination run free in a search for love or beauty.
Sat Sep 26 Venus inconjunct Pluto is exact at 2:22 AM, yet another inconjunction possible indicating health issues around surprised panic, libido, or obsessiveness about morbid visualizations. But healing is possible especially through art as catharsis. Sexual catharsis would require mindful attention to everyone’s actual expectations or confusion or anger may result. Women and artists in particular may be feeling the looming threat of Pluto, as the Pluto station approaches. Take time to process what you are feeling.
Sun Sep 27 Mercury enters Scorpio at 12:41 AM. This can be an obsessive placement of Mercury, secretive and even spiteful. But it is excellent for research, especially into healing. Dig into the facts. Find ways to transform your life, to lift yourself and others.
Mon Sep 28 Saturn turns direct with an exact square to Mars in the afternoon. This will be an especially powerful Mars square Saturn. This aspect can indicate apathy and exhaustion. We feel inhibited. Angry at and oppressed by elders or authority. Ambition. libido, and indignation are thwarted. Some people respond by beating their heads against the wall of Saturn, but it’s better to learn and to rest. Saturn can help you gain more mastery in these areas of life, if we will accept the lessons taught by limitations. With so much Saturn influence people can feel defeated, worn out, and outdated. Get some extra rest. Learn something useful. Be patient and disciplined. Meditation can really help.
Sunday Oct 4 Pluto direct at 6:32 AM means endings, transformation, breakdowns, deaths and rebirths. It’s a turning of point of some kind. The return of the pandemic with a vengeance? The beginning of the end of the crisis? It depends on all our individual choices and actions. Keep an eye on what needs to be repaired as Saturn and Pluto both stationary may indicate breakdowns in machinery and electronics. There could be challenges to infrastructure, and some sort of military misfortune can’t be ruled out. Be careful out there as people will be volatile and read to fight through the rest of this year but especially over the next three or four weeks.
Mars square Pluto will be gaining strength until it is exact Oct 9. This can be an aspect of hostility, of using force to get your way, of devastating sarcasm, and desperate acts. Thwarted libido, anger, or ambition could erupt into violence. Another high profile death is possible during these aspects. In our individual lives we can be quiet, and where possible we can be kind. Avoid conflict. Avoid risk. Don’t waste energy on fruitless bickering with those who disagree with you, or on consuming the endless feed of bad news and provocation. Put this energy into improving the way you express your ambition and libido. If you want to do something righteous support the cause of your choice. Pluto favors socially conscious activities.
Before the Great Conjunction arrives Dec 21 we still have Jupiter conjunct Pluto in November, and a series of Mars squares to Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto that will continue into January 2020 when Saturn square Uranus will be stepping up to center stage. Who ever wins the election the other side will be unhappy and the friction between red and blue will continue in a more entrenched way. But with the Saturn Pluto conjunction finishing up near the end of December some sort of relief may be indicated. Let’s say that 2020 was the year everything changed, but the following few years will see the struggle for and against the consequences of those changes.