Next Wednesday I’ll be giving my first lecture since my days at PRS. A big thank you to K. Paul Johnson for suggesting me, and to the Theosophical Society of Europe’s International History Conference for giving me the last slot for the first day. The lecture is twenty minutes with a ten minute O&A. You can attend for free if you happen to have the time and interest. K. Paul Johnson goes on at 10:30 AM Pacific, and I follow at 11 AM. Attendance on zoom is free. Please contact me for the zoom link and password.
We’ll be looking at one of the more admirable contributors to the history of American Metaphysical Religion, and the surprising popularity of Platonism in America at the end of the 19th century, but especially at Wilder’s contributions to Isis Unveiled. He also solves the mystery of why a book that is not about Ancient Egypt was given that title. Please let anyone know who might be interested. Here is the link to more info: