Star Weather Astrological Report 12/10–12/18
©2023 Ronnie Pontiac
All times Pacific.
Friends, we have before us a rather quiet week, astrologically speaking. There are challenging aspects but enough good ones to offset them. Saturday 12/9’s Venus Opposition Jupiter is with us through Thursday indicating the potential for joyous experiences but the there is a risk of over-optimism, over-indulgence, and over-spending. Have some fun, but don’t over-do it. We can express appreciation to those we love, and take time to cherish loved ones. As Gertrude Stein wrote: “I am I because my little dog knows me.”
Sun 12/10 only lunar aspects are exact. Rimbaud wrote in A Season in Hell, which is an argument between the poet as the seer in love with light and his shadow the disillusioned son of a dominating widow: “Only divine love bestows the keys of knowledge.”
Mon 12/11 Mercury sextile Venus is exact late morning followed by sun inconjunct Uranus in the late evening. The sextile can bring harmony to communications, is good for artistic creativity and appreciation, and can help us say the right things to those we love. However the inconjunction can indicate ego driven erratic comments, accidents, and shocks that might be taken personally when they needn’t be.
Tue 12/12 Mercury is stationary retrograde at 11:09 AM followed by the new moon at 20 Sagittarius at 3:32 AM. Usually new moons are a good time for starting new projects but this one with Mercury retrograde is not. Mercury will be retrograde through 1/1/2024. A good time for introspection and for looking back all the way to 2008. What have we learned? What do we still need to learn? What can we finish up as we clear space for the new twenty year cycle of Pluto in Aquarius that begins 1/20/2024? Read more here about how to get the best out of Mercury retrograde.
Wed 12/13 and Thu 12/14 only lunar aspects are exact, however Mars inconjunct Uranus will as of today be getting stronger and will be with us through the end of the year. This can be a frustrating, accident prone, and even violent aspect, and it can indicate a surge in viral illnesses. Avoid conflict, be prepared for delays, and shocks related to war, electrical infrastructure and technology in general. All part of the grand finale of Pluto in Capricorn we’ve been watching unfold. Take it easy and avoid unnecessary trouble. If you are still carrying envy, hatred, judgement of people you haven’t seen in years, it’s time to let it go. You’re only hurting yourself.
Fri 12/15 Mars trine Chiron is exact, indicating a good opportunity to put some energy into healing. Starting an exercise program, for example, could help us improve well being. It’s also a trine that can give us insights into ways we can improve health by addressing issues around anger, libido and ambition.
Sat 12/16 sun square Neptune is exact mid evening. With Neptune still in the degree of its station this is an especially strong sun square Neptune. On the negative side this square can indicate exhaustion, inhibition, doubts, and confusion, but squares can be like stairs, if we make the effort we can use the challenge to rise above. The positive side of the square includes strong inspiration, intuition, and opportunities for kindness and charity. But as always with Neptune we must be on the lookout for self deception or deception by others that can make charity an unpleasant experience. Look for opportunities for kindness or generosity that occur naturally this week. With Neptune so strong it’s important to remember that it’s okay to not know. As the Sufi saint Rabia Basri wrote: “Great doubt will eventually lead to great awakening.”
Sun 12/17 Venus inconjunct Chiron is exact, indicating health issues individually and collectively, often associated with matters of Venus. Women in particular and all those ruled by Venus should pay attention to the subtle messages our bodies send us. Make the necessary adjustments now to avoid later problems. The inconjunction often indicates health problems and so does Chiron so this is a strong inconjunction. Socializing, romance, musical events may require extra caution. Various viruses including the new Covid variant are circulating so adjust for risk. In relationships healing may be necessary but difficult. James Baldwin wrote: “Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.”
Mon 12/18 Mercury trine Jupiter is exact again in the morning. This is an unusual Mercury trine Jupiter thanks to the retrograde, lasting from 12/3 to 12/24. This can be a cheerful and jovial aspect, and inclines us to socializing in groups. With Venus inconjunct Chiron and Mars inconjunct Uranus getting stronger until exact on 12/21 it’s wise to avoid foolhardy risks. Take time to express appreciation and encouragement. Have conversations that inspire optimism. We can read or watch content that helps us refine our definitions of success.
No doubt we’ll be glad to see Pluto in Capricorn go since it has brought an endless series of individual and collective challenges since 2008. But what will Pluto in Aquarius bring? What can we do to try to get the best out of it? Pluto in Aquarius in Spring 2023 brought a high energy that many found a bit disturbing. Some obvious insights may help us align ourselves.
It’s all too easy to slip into the bad human habit of demonizing one side of a conflict. What we see happening in the wars are tragedies that unfortunately are a constant theme of history: ruthless power sacrifices the innocent in the pursuit of strategies of dominance. The big picture is always obscured by the lies of propagandists. For example, few mention that the day of the Hamas attack on Israel, Oct. 7, was Putin’s birthday, perhaps Iran’s birthday present to their ally. Please consider sharing this link to the Parents Circle Family Forum, an organization of bereaved Israeli and Palestinian parents working for lasting peace.
Students of history know that most of what we think we know about historical events is propaganda mistaken for facts. Marie Antoinette never said “let them eat cake.” Robespierre argued passionately against the death penalty two years before the Reign of Terror, speaking of which that tragedy occurred with Pluto in Aquarius square Uranus in Leo. The principle cause of the French Revolution was the huge debt the newly born United States left France to struggle with after refusing to pay it back. Two years of bad crops due to unexpected cold weather, heavy taxes, corrupt officials, and consequent starvation among the poor fed the fire. The Bastille was not filled with political prisoners. Only seven prisoners were released when it was stormed. The middle classes, doctors and lawyers, not the lower classes, started the French Revolution.
Expectations of utopia when Pluto sojourns in Aquarius may be overly optimistic. This time we’ll have Uranus in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius 2024–2030. Trines are of course more harmonious than squares. Uranus in Gemini is more likely to see both sides of issues than Uranus in Leo which favors grand gestures of egoism. Let’s resist the urge to demonize those we disagree with. It’s important that we learn to see the nuances of complex issues. As Walt Whitman wrote: “Be curious, not judgmental.”
This same openness will be valuable for us in the area of spirituality. Like someone who opens a window to let fresh air in but only admits dust from the hill behind the house so are those who compete to display enlightenment. When dawn comes all the world takes color and horizons hidden by darkness appear in all directions. When night falls they fade away revealing endless stars above.