Star Weather Astrology Report: 5/12–5/20

Ronnie Pontiac
5 min readMay 11, 2024



Sunset Blvd #11 by Tamra Lucid

Friends, with Uranus strong this week we may expect some surprises. Much of the action is in Taurus so nature takes center stage, as do issues and opportunities around food, security, and boundaries. Next weekend is especially lovely. Plan to enjoy nature if you can. As John Muir wrote: “Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.”

Sunday 5/12 Mother’s Day only lunar aspects are exact. Supportive lunar sextiles in the afternoon and evening but moon square Mercury just before 10 PM suggest an early end to the evening may help us avoid differences of opinion, misunderstandings and sharp words. However with sun conjunct Uranus tomorrow there may be some surprises, even shocks. Commute carefully as erratic movements are more likely when this aspect applies. Try something different. Take a different route. Where does renewal need to happen in your life? As Betty of the Betty books fame wrote: “the little Alpine flowers on Kearsage, the undersea gardens, the desert bloom, the frost crystals, the world of the magnifying glass, the stars, all the physical universe. The manifestation of overpowering love and intelligence, I gather them all in my own great rush of worship.”

Mon 5/13 sun conjunct Uranus is exact about a quarter after 2 AM. The conjunction can be accident prone, especially in situations where we have little sense of freedom, where we feel trapped. We may feel that our surroundings and even our social circle lack something like differences or excitement. With Venus soon to be exactly conjunct Uranus, too, an unexpected could spark love. Existing relationships may be renewed by caring more about the present and the future than the past. While Uranus and Pluto in Aquarius are future oriented, it is in the present moment where change is found active. The sextile is exact in the early afternoon. It can help us counteract the awkwardness of the conjunction, giving us the necessary grace and restraint to avoid unnecessary accidents. But the conjunction is much stronger than the sextile. Ladies and others ruled by Venus can help moderate events by applying a bit of Saturn’s decorum, attention to time, and patience.

Tue 5/14 only lunar aspects are exact. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: “To the attentive eye, each moment of the year has its own beauty, and in the same field, it beholds, every hour, a picture which was never seen before, and which shall never be seen again.”

Wed 5/15 Mercury enters Taurus just after 10 AM. Our thoughts tend to turn to food, comfort, security, but also nature and music. If at all possible luxuriate in the lushness of spring. Flowers and bird song might stimulate your thoughts. Enjoy fresh foods, rather than the comfort foods of less enlightened times. What’s true for the mind is true for the body: garbage in garbage out. Watch out for unnecessary conflicts that may be caused by stubbornness that has more to do with bull like territorial irritation than the subject of the dispute.

Thu 5/16 only lunar aspects are exact. Remember that enlightenment is your birthright. It’s natural. Kukai, the founder of Shingon Buddhism, wrote around 800 AD: “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old; seek what they sought.”

Fri 5/17 Mercury square Pluto retrograde is exact before 1 AM, this can be an aspect of suspicion, apprehension, and destructive verbal sparring. Sometimes it indicates a compulsion such as intense attraction or envy. It’s a good time for doing research and having conversations about healing issues that trouble you. Conversations may be difficult but deep secrets could be revealed. With such lovely aspects this weekend what we don’t want to do is get into an argument or other predicament at the end of the work week, overshadowing the weekend. Plan to do something joyous with someone you love.

Sat 5/18 Venus conjunct Uranus is exact about ninety minutes before dawn. The glamour of the new, the beauty of the new day, the freedom of dawn, a fresh start, a reason to be optimistic. Venus and Jupiter are in Taurus so you can’t go wrong with good food, the beauty of nature, and the exploration of new levels in relationships. In dysfunctional situations this aspect can manifest as an intense urge for something or someone different. If you’re looking for love you might find it this weekend, but perhaps not where you expect, and certainly not in your habitual haunts, though even that may be possible, if it is unexpected. Sun conjunct Jupiter is exact about a quarter to midnight. The danger is over indulgence, over spending, false optimism, but there are real opportunities for success, though they may depend on how you define success.

Sun 5/19 sun sextile Neptune is exact mid-afternoon can be a dreamy aspect. With the urge to over-do of sun conjunct Jupiter and Venus conjunct Uranus seeking freedom in the excessive or sudden, over-intoxication could be a tempting destination. But we’ll have more fun if we keep a certain grace about the proceedings. These conjunctions may make us feel like we should be in a rush, urgently pursuing our goals, but there is a natural flow to events with this aspect. We are better off making ourselves available, rather than trying to control what happens. Let nature take you on a ride. As Tolkein wrote: “Still round the corner there may wait, a new road or a secret gate.”

The following week includes some major celestial events including May 23, the brilliant day of the full moon in Sagittarius, when Venus conjunct Jupiter, Venus sextile Neptune, and Jupiter sextile Neptune are all exact and Venus enters Gemini. About ten days later Jupiter trine Pluto is exact. This is an extraordinary cluster of positive aspects, although as always even positive aspects can have negative consequences if we abuse them for our own gain. Just as negative aspects can have positive consequences if we learn from them. Romantic relationships, creative projects, mystical insights can all benefit. But we must be patient. For most there may be at least subtle signs of new opportunities and other blessings of luck and fate. Taurus, Libra, and Sagittarius planets and placements in your chart may indicate where you can benefit most.

Dabmey Lawless of Lawless Astrology Channel and I talked about the U.S. Pluto return, what Pluto returns in history tell us about what could happen next, the surprisingly optimistic astrological weather, the need for letting go of the pessimism of Pluto in Capricorn, and more.



Ronnie Pontiac
Ronnie Pontiac

Written by Ronnie Pontiac

A place for my writing about spiritual mysteries, American Metaphysical Religion, astrology, and related subjects. As a kid I was mentored by Manly P. Hall.

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