Star Weather Astrological Report 7/28–8/11

Ronnie Pontiac
6 min readJul 27, 2024


©2024 Ronnie Pontiac

Photo by Tamra Lucid.

All times Pacific.

Friends, we have before us two fairly quiet weeks, the first featuring Venus. This favors the vice president’s campaign but there are also indications of opposition as her political opponents continue to look for weaknesses to exploit. Neptune remains in the degree of its station into September so the sense of being in a dream continues. Confusion, weakness, illusions, delusions, propaganda, intoxication, but also imagination, inspiration, mystical and psychic experiences, compassion, and the potential for soulful appreciation of the tranquil beauty of the everlasting yet impermanent moment before us.

Sunday 7/28, and Mon 7/29 only lunar aspects are exact. Theophrastus the student of Aristotle wrote: “Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.”

Tue 7/30 Venus trine Chiron is exact in the hour after noon. Chiron can indicate healing through crisis. With the wave of female empowerment ongoing healing is indicated for childen of Venus. Seek healing, especially from other children of Venus. Not all children of Venus are women. And not all women are children of Venus. Healing with the help of Venus is this week’s theme.

Whatever happens next what has already happened is an important step in integrating the American shadow. Last time Neptune was here in the highly significant final degree of the zodiac the Confederacy crystalized. The Civil War began as Neptune moved into Aries. Neptune’s trip around the zodiac which began then is ending now. What started as the Civil War ends with what happens between now and Neptune’s entry into Aries on April 18, 2025.

Kamala Harris symbolizes at least three of the most unjustly abused kinds of Americans (black, Asian, and female). The empowerment that her empowerment has inspired in so many others so quickly is a taste of Pluto in Aquarius, as is her use of new tech. Her election could indicate a successful navigation of the US Pluto return square Eris. It’s reminiscent of Rome’s first Pluto return when half African general Severus became emperor. The empress, a Syrian known as Julia Domna (black Julia) led a salon that included the greatest minds of the time, two of whom influenced medicine and the law for over a thousand years. Roman aristocrats complained that an African and a Syrian were on the imperial throne, but they postponed the chaos and were crucial to Rome’s survival until its second Pluto return when the western empire ended.

Pluto in Aquarius is about expanding freedom, sharing equality, and it’s a time of mutual empowerment, but for those who don’t wish this it will be a crisis indeed. 22 million baby boomers have left the planet since 2016. Roughly 40 million young people have reached voting age since then. The mobilization of women is unprecedented in American politics, comparable perhaps to prohibition or suffrage. The reality of the repeal of Roe v Wade, and the extremist religious views of the GOP platform, may finally break the notorious voting block that is white women, the majority of whom have almost always voted GOP. We will see. Expect plenty of surprises before we get to the election, and accusations of fraud are certain.

Some of you have asked me about Kamala Harris’s astrology. I have not had time to give her chart a serious look. I did notice the conjunction of Uranus, Pluto and Venus in Virgo in her fourth house, a powerful configuration indicating the potential to reform and revolutionize the power of women in society. We hear many women saying that they will save the country, that being heard on both sides.

Wed 7/31 and Thu 8/1 only lunar aspects are exact. Audre Lorde wrote: “It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences.”

Fri 8/2 Venus square Uranus is exact in the morning. Here again the liberation of women is indicated, women taking action toward attaining their idea of the future, using new technology, and supported by younger generations. In our own lives we can look for ways to update tech, take a new perspective, or try something different. How does freedom flourish in the domestic environment? Is our idea of romance up to date? Most of all how can we help women as they mobilize for a fight over the soul of the nation? Can we at least get out of their way? Liberate yourself from the sense that others disapprove of you. Be you.

Sat 8/3 only lunar aspects are exact. Pessoa wrote: “It’s been a long time since I’ve been me.”

Sunday 8/4 The new moon in Leo arrives at 4:13 AM, a summery Sunday morning fit for a fresh start. Venus inconjunct Neptune is exact in the hour after noon. While inconjunctions are said to represent health issues, and two areas of life that can’t seem to work together, they can also indicate propaganda and oblique manipulation. However, with the inconjunction there may be a boomerang effect causing more harm to the manipulator than the manipulated. Venus enters Virgo at 7:23 PM. Venus in Leo wanted to be adored but Venus in Virgo has certain criteria that must be met. Don’t become critical of self or others. Avoid perfectionism, especially in art, romance, and politics. Our old friend Mercury stationary retrograde returns at 9:56 PM although one might guess it had already occurred viewing the headlines. Regrettable statements, reactions and past social media gaffes, real and fake, are likely to surface.

Mon 8/5 Venus inconjunct Pluto is exact not long after dawn. Here we have another powerful indication of conflict and healing in the area of women’s rights and civil reforms. We might have an especially impactful exchange between the candidates. In our own lives we can look at ways in which, overwhelmed and neglecting healthy habits, we invite unnecessary suffering. This week’s combination of aspects indicates a rare opportunity to show support for the empowerment of women in our lives, and yet with this aspect we can be certain the hatred and vitriol will be pointed. Realize that women will be facing heightened levels of malice and cruelty as they collectively assert their power. Don’t go in fists swinging unless asked. Women got this.

Tue 8/6 only lunar aspects are exact. St. Francis of Assisi wrote: “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love.” The Buddha agreed: “Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal law.”

Wed 8/7 boasts the most pleasant astrology of these two weeks with sun sextile Jupiter is exact in the morning, and Mercury conjunct Venus exact in the evening. The sextile offers optimism, opportunity, at the very least a good time. The conjunction suggests continuing eloquence from prominent women and their supporters, creativity, harmony, enchanting conversations, and a good time for enjoying art, music, good writing, and nature.

Thu 8/8 only lunar aspects are exact. Cocteau wrote: “I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little they become its visible soul.”

Fri 8/9 sun inconjunct Saturn is exact. Health issues this aspect may indicate usually arise from neglect, exhaustion, malnutrition, excessive pessimism, losing sleep over the state of the world, or feeling overburdened by authorities or responsibilities. It’s a good aspect for improving well being if we improve our habits, cut back on indulgences, and surrender the severity of judging what will or should happen next. Watching the world change, we can take time to meditate about how we can find wider horizons and embrace our potential.

Sat 8/10 and Sun 8/11 only lunar aspects are exact. “Nothing is. There is no final enough of wisdom, experience — any fucking thing. No Holy Grail, No Final Satori, no final solution. Just conflict. Only thing can resolve conflict is love, like I felt for Fletch and Ruski, Spooner and Calico. Pure love. What I feel for my cats present and past. Love? What is It? Most natural painkiller what there is. LOVE.” That was the last thing written by William Burroughs, in his journal, three days before he died.

Looking ahead to the other end of summer, 9/1 Uranus will be stationary retrograde. Uranus dwells in the degree of its station from 8/7 to 9/27. Unlike the excruciating stagnant blocked quality of Saturn dwelling in degree of station, felt by many just prior to the change in presidential candidate, and the fog and waves of collective sentiment typical of Neptune dwelling in degree of station, Uranus indicates shocks, the unexpected, the new and quick, almost two months of erratic energy. Does this indicate a turning of the tide back in favor of conservatism, as Uranus retreats and Pluto prepares to return to Capricorn, where it will be during the election? Good arguments can be made for either outcome, astrologically speaking. Above all, we can expect the unexpected, in our own lives and in the fates of nations. “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are,” Theodore Roosevelt used to say.



Ronnie Pontiac
Ronnie Pontiac

Written by Ronnie Pontiac

A place for my writing about spiritual mysteries, American Metaphysical Religion, astrology, and related subjects. As a kid I was mentored by Manly P. Hall.

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