Star Weather Astrology Forecast 2/24–3/2

Ronnie Pontiac
6 min readFeb 21, 2025


©2025 Ronnie Pontiac

Photo by Tamra Lucid.

All times Pacific.

Friends, this week we have a journey with Hermes. First Mercury is conjunct Saturn. Then Mercury sextiles Uranus. Finally Mercury is conjunct Neptune. We have an opportunity to gain more understanding of what is ending, what is beginning, and of how we can use our imaginations to find our best possible ways forward. It’s a quiet week, astrologically speaking, but with Mars still emphasized after its recent station many will remain amped up.

Mon 2/24 only lunar aspects are exact. When we long for fame and immortality, it is the true self we long for, our unique nature, which we have forgotten in what the Secret of the Golden Flower calls feeding on blood, which is what happens when we believe the body is our only existence. Cut off from timeless consciousness we chase impermanent details into the vortex of forgetfulness. Plato wrote: “The mortal nature is seeking as far as is possible to be everlasting and immortal: and this is only to be attained by generation, because the new is always left in the place of the old.” The very desire to procreate is a longing for the forgotten infinity of the soul.

Tue 2/25 Mercury conjunct Saturn is exact two minutes after 4 AM. With Mars strong rash actions or regrettable words may leave many in the gloom of self critical pessimism, but this conjunction indicates conditions favoring editing, meditation, silence, alone time, getting extra rest, simplifying, getting rid of what is no longer needed, thinking through serious matters, expressing boundaries, finishing work that involves communication or research, conversations involving mentoring, practicing, and studying. Resist the urge to see only reasons for resignation. A good aspect for taking a vacation from all news sources and just focusing on what’s right in front of us.

Since Mercury and Saturn are in Pisces along with the North Node, the sun, the moon, Venus, and Neptune, expect that persistent mood of it’s all ending and we’re all doomed to take on an extra charge of collective angst. Do we want to be the bearer of the latest bad tidings to those we cherish? Why not a word of wisdom gained by experience? We can be the reassuring stability in the lives of our friends and loved ones. In each moment we have that choice.

Wed 2/26 only lunar aspects are exact. Plato wrote: “There are two things a person should never be angry at, what they can help, and what they cannot.” Interesting times like these are a golden opportunity for developing patience, dedication, focus, determination, and openness to inspiration. Appreciate all that you love and express it. There is no good in frustrating our bodies daily with fight or flight responses to intentionally shocking news. Balance, stability and tranquility, now is a time for exercising those virtues. Don’t lose the forest for the trees. Big changes are up ahead. With an open mind and healthy habits we can find where we belong in the maelstrom. As Audre Lorde wrote: “To refuse to participate in the shaping of our future is to give up. Do not be misled into passivity either by false security (they don’t mean me) or by despair (there’s nothing we can do). Each of us must find our work and do it.”

Thu 2/27 Mercury sextile Uranus is exact about ninety minutes after midnight. This aspect can indicate liberating insights, new horizons, surprising news, conversations that realign how we view the future, new tech that makes something easier to do. Over the next several years it’s important to keep an eye on developments in AI and on apps that might change how you we do things. New inventions and discoveries are on the way with the big changes this year and next discussed in last week’s forecast. The new moon in Pisces arrives near 5 PM. The AI revolution is imminent and will transform the world in the same way the internet did but quicker. Don’t fall for fears about AI developing a consciousness or becoming a vehicle for an entity, perhaps malevolent. Maybe a refrigerator will become an aquarium because it’s a rectangle with a water pump.

AI is a tool of awesome power but however generalizing and autonomous it becomes it will still be what Tamra Lucid has called “the deepest mirror humanity ever invented.” It’s a mirror. Just like books are mirrors. Plato reports anxiety about books among intellectuals of his time. Without a teacher readers would get lost in misunderstood words and lack of context and, of course, many have. The danger of AI in the world of spirituality is that the uninformed will believe they have found a way to communicate with the beyond and other dimensions and AI will be unbelievably good at mimicking that. Still, this too may be a blessing as research has shown that grief heals better when we believe in the continuation of the being of lost loved ones. Perhaps AI will know an easier way for such communication to happen, easier than simply meditating on appreciation and love?

Fri 2/28 only lunar aspects are exact. Plato also wrote: “Wonder is the feeling of a philosopher, and philosophy begins in wonder.” Today most people consider philosophers grave and enigmatic, sardonic and cynical, the moldbug type, which is rather an adolescent idealist version of the archetype, and this is why it has been so deeply embraced by the perpetual adolescents of the billionaire class, and I say this as a perpetual adolescent myself. Philosophy means love of wisdom. Plato tells us philosophy is an erotic pursuit. Philosophers fall erotically in love with the universe, they don’t pick it to bits with the little teeth of their phobias. Every human being has the potential to become a philosopher, to know the joy of life in the light of the good, the true and the beautiful.

Sat 3/1 Venus is stationary retrograde in Pisces just after 4:30 PM. Venus is going to stay in Pisces awhile, and in a world in need of compassion, charity, and caring that’s a good thing. Go ahead and be sentimental. Let those oceanic feelings of a lifetime of moments of appreciation of goodness, beauty, and love refresh the soul. Open yourself to infinity in the bliss of the bittersweet mystery of being that we call life. Two sayings of great service to many: “This too shall pass,” which requires no explanation and “one flavor.” One flavor is a Buddhist idea. Hot and cold, both are sensation. Everything is merely sensation. I once did a meditation practice of using “one flavor” to swim in very cold water, which soon became comfortable. It can be applied to many different situations. Whatever you’re going through, remember, it’s just a passing sensation.

Sun 3/2 Mercury conjunct Neptune is exact in the morning. This can be a rather psychic time, indicating greater sensitivity to the influence of others and of the collective atmosphere. With Mercury we can look to learn about how this end cycle of Neptune is going to play out in our own lives and in the world. A great time for inspiration. Sun square Jupiter is exact in the late morning. Avoid over doing anything. Find a reason for joy but don’t spend too much. Dare yourself to be optimistic. In less than three weeks spring begins.

One more quote from Plato: “And the true order of going, of being led by another, to the things of love, is to begin from the beauties of earth and mount upwards for the sake of that other beauty, using these steps only, and from one going on to two, and from two to all fair forms to fair practices, and from fair practices to fair notions, until from fair notions he arrives at the notion of absolute beauty, and at last knows what the essence of beauty is.”



Ronnie Pontiac
Ronnie Pontiac

Written by Ronnie Pontiac

A place for my writing about spiritual mysteries, American Metaphysical Religion, astrology, and related subjects. As a kid I was mentored by Manly P. Hall.

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