Star Weather Astrology Forecast 3/3–3/9

Ronnie Pontiac
4 min read2 days ago


©2025 Ronnie Pontiac

Photo by Tamra Lucid.

All times Pacific.

Hello friends, we have before us perhaps the quietest week of aspects we’ve seen in quite some time. A good week to take time to tune out the news. Focus on the present and the immediate. All the reasons to be afraid or angry may have important ramifications, and may require difficult actions, but they are part of this impermanence we call our lives. Within us at our core and source we are beyond time and we know that these troubles cannot harm what we really are. It is from that realization that our best work and healing comes.

To mention it once again, we are already in the realm of Saturn conjunct Neptune, which began January 2025, will be exact February 2026, and ends August 2026. The last time this aspect happened was 1989, the year the Berlin Wall fell, there were revolutions in the eastern bloc, the Soviet Union withdrew from its invasion of Afghanistan, and a revolution almost began in China in Tiananmen Square. The Gameboy and Taylor Swift both arrived that year. The last time this aspect happened in Pisces and Aries was 555. Khadija, the first wife of Mohamed was born that year. Taliesin was a bard at the court of a British king. The Byzantine Empire was at the height of its power.

We know little about the 550s but we do know that both Saturn and Neptune will occupy the final degree of Pisces, a pressure point for the collective psyche, a time when a major cycle will end that began just before the Civil War with the creation of the Confederacy. I keep pointing this out because we see similar stresses on the union now. The feeling of ending can be overwhelming. The first degree of Aries is as powerful but in the opposite direction. A bolt into the present to claim a future. When Saturn and Neptune enter Aries there can be a collective sense of a fresh start.

Another thing about Saturn conjunct Neptune. In the past it has indicated pandemics and catastrophes that the government seems helpless to stop, like the flooding caused by hurricane Katrina. We have many contestants for next pandemic. While for now cases are low for some of these threats the risk has been steadily increasing and there is a possibility that we may have simultaneous pandemic challenges to deal with in the next year and a half or so. With covid, measles, bird flu, ebola, and even tuberculosis and whooping cough at very limited but elevated levels I advise getting into the habit of taking precautions, however you may define them.

Some good things about Saturn conjunct Neptune: meditation, moderation in intoxication, quitting addictions, mystical and psychic experiences captured with thorough documentation, mentorship especially in spiritual pursuits, the ability to focus the imagination where it does the most good, the skill to capture inspiration. Of course, many of us feel exasperated by the constant chaos and the atmosphere of doom or manic false certainty. We do have very big changes just ahead, for example, Neptune entering Aries at the end of this month. Hang in there. Times like these it’s important to make a point out of regularly enjoying and appreciating daily life, and helping out when we can. Keep a sense of humor and an open mind. The struggle for the soul of America is far from over.

Monday 3/3 Mercury enters Aries at 1:04 AM. We may get a peek at the sense of renewal Aries indicates. Look to the present and the future for opportunities. However, Mercury in Aries tends to be argumentative. Avoid conflict, especially this evening when moon square Pluto in the evening may bring to light long term issues that require attention, especially regarding health and relationships. No need to rush.

Tue 3/4 Happy Mardi Gras, only lunar aspects are exact. Kukai the founder of Shingon Buddhism wrote: “Enlightenment is not far off; it has been present within the mind since birth. The true self is not outside the body. Where should I seek it then, without discarding the body?”

Wed 3/5 Mercury sextile Pluto is exact before dawn. This is a good aspect for taking care of repairs, having deep conversations about healing, getting organized to get rid of what has become useless. The temptation may be to fall down the rabbit hole of doom scrolling as an amusement, but you could read or view something that will help you improve your life. Paying attention to how we use our time and energy can help us become more effective and give us a little tranquility in our daily lives.

Thu 3/6 only lunar aspects are exact. Kukai also wrote: “Although it is said that it is impossible to be disturbed by anything upon reaching enlightenment, I could not help but cry upon bidding farewell to a loved one.” It’s better to feel those emotions. Don’t repress them.

Fri 3/7 sun trine Mars is exact in the evening indicating desire, the energy to get things done. Even trines can have negative implications, in this case, be careful of the feelings of others, don’t let exuberance become belligerence. The feeling of Spring may be in the air, or at least conversations about it but there’s no reason to hurry or to push the river.

Sat 3/8 only lunar aspects are exact. James Baldwin wrote: “Please try to remember that what they believe, as well as what they do and cause you to endure does not testify to your inferiority but to their inhumanity.”

Sun 3/9 Daylight Savings Time only lunar aspects are exact. We’re less than two weeks away from Spring. Bell Hooks wrote: “When we drop fear, we can draw nearer to people, we can draw nearer to the earth, we can draw nearer to all the heavenly creatures that surround us.”



Ronnie Pontiac
Ronnie Pontiac

Written by Ronnie Pontiac

A place for my writing about spiritual mysteries, American Metaphysical Religion, astrology, and related subjects. As a kid I was mentored by Manly P. Hall.

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