Star Weather Astrology Report 1/12–1/19
©2025 Ronnie Pontiac
All times Pacific.
Thank you to all those who checked in last week to see how Tamra and I were doing. We were without power for two days and no connectivity for most of the week. The Sunset fire on Wednesday night was only six miles away, we could see the tall flames on the ridge above Runyon Canyon. We were just two blocks from mandatory evacuation. Friends of ours in the Palisades and Alta Dena lost their homes. The Theosophical Society in Alta Dena lost its library with irreplaceable records from the early days of Theosophy in California at Point Loma. Some of the collection was digitized over the last several years, but it’s a great loss for the history of western esotericism.
Two simple words are crucial for times like this. Impermanence and compassion. The fires are an ongoing tragedy, but also a lesson in impermanence. Our hearts go out to those who lost not only their homes but a lifetime of keepsakes and precious heirlooms. Some have suffered the ultimate loss of family members and friends. Of course, we all must walk through that door one day. We all surrender what we cherish, what defines us, those we love, and the objects that have enabled us to become ourselves. What are we when we are not what we have? Impermanence is rule #1 in this strange dimension we inhabit. It’s natural under such circumstances to feel the anxiety of separation and loss, but love and appreciation can be liberated from habitual malaise.
Compassion is the natural response we have to suffering, especially in our own communities. From restaurants feeding evacuees and first responders for free to animal rescues pulling beloved pets from kill shelters to give displaced families time to find them, people are finding ways to help. Many have opened their homes for friends and family. Companies are offering free storage, free rides to shelters, and free vacation rentals. Imagine a society where this kind of compassion is an everyday fact of life.
Spending hours doom scrolling through the disaster porn can be like meditation in a graveyard, but it’s important to keep our lives going, to continue to enjoy and cherish who and what we love. We must not feel guilty about moments of happiness. Nor should we be searching for easy answers such as Los Angeles finally got what it deserved.
For those who have lost so much, space must be made for the full measure of grief. In the blink of an eye an entirely different life was unveiled. It’s all too easy to fear or despise it because it is not the life we loved for so long. But this new life will be loved, too. Think of our lives here as time in the lab trying out experiments, collecting results to be studied later, back home, where we are more truly ourselves. The will to rebuild is strong. Those who lost the most will have the opportunity to be leaders in the reconstruction of beloved parts of our city.
If you seek an astrological explanation for the Los Angeles fires Mars opposition Pluto is a good place to start. The fires began 1/1 with the Franklin fire which may have kindled the Palisades fire. So Mars retrograde in Leo (fire) opposition Pluto in Aquarius (destructive winds). Mars opposed Pluto exactly on the night of 1/2. On 1/7 when the Palisades fire erupted Mars had retrograded into Cancer but was still closely opposing Pluto. Even more telling this opposition happened as part of the ongoing Pluto return of Los Angeles, which will be exact in 2026. Los Angeles is in a death/rebirth process.
It’s a bit concerning that in the next few days when the Santa Ana winds will return (but not as strong as last week) the Sabian symbol for the degree of Mars is a storm in a canyon. Since we’re not expecting rain, that could be a firestorm. This week’s aspects, in my reading of them, suggest the worst of this is behind us, but there may be trouble in the areas currently threatened. April, when Mars opposed Pluto exactly again, and Saturn conjunct Neptune becomes more palpable, could be a month of problems with rain, flooding and mudslides in the burn areas. But you don’t need to be an astrologer to predict that.
Sunday 1/12 Mars trine Neptune is exact. On the negative side of the spectrum this likely indicates an upsurge in contagious illness locally because the smoke in the air makes the lungs more susceptible to infection. Wearing an N95 out there may help prevent more than smoke inhalation. On the positive side this indicates the aggressive use of water to contain the fires, and gives extra energy to those working to prevent further destruction. Acts of charity can help us keep our spirits up and bring inspiration to others who need the support of the community. As Plato wrote: “The beginning is the most important part of the work.”
Mon 1/13 sun trine Uranus is exact about a half an hour after midnight. The Full Moon in Capricorn is exact at 2:27 AM. The trine can help us find new ways to approach the challenges. We may become aware of opportunities for a fresh start. While it’s difficult to avoid feeling apprehension, turning our attention to the future we may find an opportunity to modernize our lives, and reinvent ourselves and our communities. The full moon in Capricorn brings a saturnine resignation to the collective psyche.
Tue 1/14 Venus square Jupiter is exact in the late morning. This can be a cheerful aspect but there is the danger of over doing it. Excess in the name of comfort, escapism or drowning our sorrows, or over-spending in an overly optimistic reaction to hard times is not the best approach. Be generous and loving. Find ways to nurture others. Subtle reminders of the beauty of life and humble acts of kindness can send out ripples of optimism which can help turn the tide of collective depression.
Wed 1/15 sun opposition Mars is exact in the early evening. This aspect calling back to the Mars Pluto opposition is a bit troubling where the fires are concerned. Certainly there will be plenty of anger to go around. Getting into fights on social media about conspiracies or schadenfreude only adds to the stress the body must endure. Be kind to yourself and others. Put this energetic aspect to work doing something constructive.
Thu 1/16 Mercury inconjunct Jupiter exact before dawn is another warning against over optimism. This could indicate that the Santa Anas deflate the hope that the worst is over. Talking too much can lead to trouble with this aspect. Cliche expressions can do more harm than good. Be kind, patient and persistent when seeking help.
Fri 1/17 sun sextile Neptune is exact. This can be a dreamy aspect, and a time of greater sensitivity. It also favors acts of compassion. Inspiration is available for creative people. Expressing the disaster through the arts can help us and help others. As Sartre wrote: “There is only one day left, always starting over: it is given to us at dawn and taken away from us at dusk.”
Sat 1/18 Venus conjunct Saturn is exact late afternoon. Mercury sextile Saturn is exact before midnight. Hopefully these Saturn aspects are good news and the worst will be over. Saturn assesses the damage, provides the lists, tries to bring structure. The conjunction can help us find practical ways to express love to those who are suffering, through acts of kindess, donations and volunteering. For women in particular this may be a time when Saturn causes doubts about relationships. People need loyalty and space with this aspect. No love bombing please. The sextile can help us organize so that our efforts are effective. Get in touch with mentors and authorities who may have the answers you need. Express yourself carefully, with restraint, and respect.
Sun 1/19 Mercury sextile Venus is exact in the morning. The sun will enter Aquarius at high noon, exactly 12 PM. Usually a flirty aspect, especially favorable for creativity, and especially writing and music, it may indicate the possibility of a sense of relief that our worst apprehensions did not materialize. Capricorn can be a gloomy aspect. February may be colder than January yet there is the hint of spring not too far away. Sun in Aquarius favors innovation, community, and diversity.
The following week has some of the most positive aspects we’ve seen in awhile. Uranus however will be dwelling in the degree of its direct station on 1/30. It dwells in that degree for the rest of January, all February and until 3/12, indicating that the shocking erratic energy of Uranus will be very strong over the next two months. A lot of changes are going to happen. Why approach all this with only trepidation and theories about what may go wrong probably gleaned from clickbait in your feed?
Uranus is the liberator. Where do we need more freedom in our lives? How might new communities or new tech help us? Try something different. Detours may lead to enlightening places. Suppressing the need for change, or getting anxious about it, can lead to accidents and illness with this astrological weather. It’s important that we give ourselves moments to relax, to ponder, to digest. An open mind and respect for love, for giving it and receiving it, can help us navigate the astrological weather of the next few months. For those who must start over keep in mind what Nelson Mandela said: “It always seems impossible until it is done.”