Star Weather Astrology Report 1/20–1/26

Ronnie Pontiac
4 min readJan 19, 2025


©2025 Ronnie Pontiac

Photo by Tamra Lucid.

All times Pacific.

Friends, while many have long dreaded the arrival of this week the astrological weather suggests that as challenging as the beginning of the week may be the rest of the week could surprise us with opportunities for happiness. With sun conjunct Pluto this week the temptation to go to extremes will be reflected not only in our personal lives but in the actions our government takes. Seeing it unfold will have a power all its own to discourage but also to inspire. Some may be tempted to surrender to pessimism, and we can expect that dark collective mood to continue in full strength into May. It’s important that we pay attention to our own will being and to sustaining ourselves and being there for all those who depend on us. This could be a week of profound healing, or at least of memorable escapism.

Monday 1/20 only lunar aspects are exact. Walt Whitman wrote: “There is no week nor day nor hour when tyranny may not enter upon this country, if the people lose their roughness and spirit of defiance.”

Tue 1/21 Mercury square Chiron is exact just after midnight. News about an issue concerning public health may be alarming with Sun conjunct Pluto before dawn. Another turn of the bird flu screw, perhaps? In our own lives this is a good time to research or have conversations about improving health. Take some time to know how you’re really feeling. Don’t accept stress and depletion as the new normal. The dark of the moon begins in Scorpio at 12:31 PM favoring rest, introspection, completion of projects, and looking back over the last few weeks to gain a sense of perspective. Sun conjunct Pluto can indicate obsession, suspicion, fear, domination or submission but also breakdowns especially involving long neglected problems with plumbing or just about anything else that has been steadily warning of imminent trouble. Catharsis might help. Treasure tranquil moments like rare gems.

Wed 1/22 only lunar aspects are exact. Thoreau wrote: “Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence.”

Thu 1/23 Mars sextile Uranus is exact in the morning. Mercury opposition Mars is exact in the early afternoon. Mercury trine Uranus is exact in the afternoon. The sextile can indicate opportunities for liberating ambition, libido, and the power to defend ourselves, but it can also indicate erratic actions, since it’s a sextile, probably not too harmful, and perhaps even a little helpful. Take the unexpected detour gladly. The other fly in this week’s ointment is this opposition. With sun still conjunct Pluto this could be more than an irritable interlude. Words can lead more easily to violence discretion may be the better part of valor. When communicating be careful not to put too much english on it. The trine can indicate amazing conversations, breakthroughs in understanding, liberated self-expression. A book serendipitously found opened to just the right page. A surprising message that opens the door to greater understanding. For writers and other creative people this is go time. Worry about editing later.

Fri 1/24 only lunar aspects are exact. As David Lynch said: “Negativity is the enemy of creativity.”

Sat 1/25 Venus trine Mars is exact. Fine astrological weather for creativity and romance with this trine alongside tomorrow’s sextiles. Making the effort to find harmony between the female and male qualities of life may lead to unexpected joy and other epiphanies.

Sun 1/26 Mercury sextile Neptune is exact in the late morning. Venus sextile Uranus is exact in the mid-afternoon. This pair of sextiles could indicate romantic and creative good times. Mercury and Neptune provide a dreamy atmosphere for communication and taking short trips. Intuition is strong. Imagination and inspiration more easily available. A good time to ponder mystical insights. Venus sextile Uranus can indicate fun, trying out new things, feeling free, new or renewed love, breakthroughs in creative work, liberating cutting edge technology. Women especially are inspired to work for the kind of future they want. These sextiles foreshadow the rare mandala of sextiles and trines later this year. What will that configuration bring? Some sort of renaissance? A sequence of landmark events? The birth of a new counterculture? Or the undeniable arrival of new ways of doing things all the way around? We are fortunate to be alive to experience it for ourselves, and we’re finally arriving at the time when we can. But first we’ve got next week’s Uranus station and the continuing saga of Mars opposition Pluto to deal with especially in April, which also includes the looming presence of Saturn conjunct Neptune. especially in April, which also includes the looming presence of Saturn conjunct Neptune. We’ve seen the destructive potential of these aspects in the LA fires and the continuing evolution of bird flu. Patience, the ability to disconnect in order to recharge, meditation, appreciation for all the little wonderful familiar moments of our lives, can help us not only get through these challenges but flourish during them. We can remind ourselves that we are given these daily miracles of renewal in the natural course of our lives.



Ronnie Pontiac
Ronnie Pontiac

Written by Ronnie Pontiac

A place for my writing about spiritual mysteries, American Metaphysical Religion, astrology, and related subjects. As a kid I was mentored by Manly P. Hall.

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