Star Weather Astrology Report 1/27–2/2
©2025 Ronnie Pontiac
All times Pacific.
Mon 1/27 Mercury enters Aquarius at 6:53 PM. As Saturn and Neptune prepare to take a quick dip into Aries, the sense of culmination, of the end of all we hold dear, multiplies apocalyptic apprehensions, which are preyed upon for power and clicks. We’ve had Mercury in Capricorn indicating a saturnine urge to tell ourselves and others its time to face the facts. Pessimistic thoughts haunt many. Mercury in Aquarius indicates a better understanding of what’s going on. We adapt, we learn, we can see the various dimensions of change happening around us. This is the game we’ve been given. During times like these there can be waves of contagious anxiety that sweep through neighborhoods, cities and nations. When millions of imaginations catastrophize each of us must find our own line between staying well informed and the well being of ourselves and our loved ones.
How do we stay in the moment? By reminding ourselves that while the future matters, the present matters more. We can cherish who and what we love at this time of our lives, and find ways to help out. There’s another election in 2026. It won’t do any good to say no there won’t be, or there’s no way to win. That’s the intent of a political and physiological shock doctrine strategy: to demoralize, exhaust, and confuse. To cause self censoring, and surrender to a listless resignation. By all means we should be taking time to rest. We should know when to disengage so that we can return refreshed with more energy and a clear idea of where we can matter most.
Tue 1/28 is Pluto day, with moon conjunct Pluto just before 3 PM and Mercury conjunct Pluto just before midnight. We knew Pluto in Aquarius would be shocking and weird. We knew it would bring change quickly everywhere, especially technology driven changes especially, and this process continues for nineteen more years. We’re likely to hear more shocking things with Uranus stationary direct tomorrow. Meditate or find some other source of tranquility this week, and especially this day. Tune in to what the messages are for you from Pluto in Aquarius. Does a liberating new horizon for a well lived life beckon? It should be obvious once you see it. In the news this Pluto/Uranus combination could bring a story or stories where in their over eagerness the agents of change demonstrate how things have gone too far.
Wed 1/29 the new moon at nine degrees Aquarius arrives at 4:36 AM adding to the Aquarian atmosphere. Let your curiosity guide you. Aquarius is the kind of astrological weather that helps us understand how many different things connect. If you’re wasting time arguing with people, trolls or bot who can’t be convinced perhaps consider this wise advice from George Bernard Shaw: “I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.”
Thu 1/30 Uranus is stationary direct at 8:22 AM. Progressives who have been in retreat astrologically speaking since 9/24 will regain their footing to some degree over the next few months with Uranus direct again. Uranus usually indicates shocks of various kinds including shocking events. With Uranus in Taurus this could be anything from earth slides in burn areas to deregulation especially in the financial sector. Sun trine Jupiter is exact just before 3 PM. Deregulation has an invigorating effect. But many of the regulations were put there for reasons that will become obvious again. In our own lives we could be taking detours or blurting regrettable comments. Pay attention to repairs if you can. Neglect could lead to unpleasant surprises. We can’t really expect the unexpected, and we’ve been getting so much of it lately that the unexpected is expected. But keep in mind that Uranus is here to liberate, to update, to break the confining grip Saturn has had on the collective psyche since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008.
Fri 1/31 only lunar aspects are exact. Gertrude Stein wrote: “It is so friendly so simply friendly and though inevitable not a sadness and though occurring not a shock.” Gertrude survived WW2 in France, she wrote about it eloquently in her wonderful book Wars I Have Seen. She describes how the Nazis rode in on superior technology, ordering everyone around, but left with wagons drawn by donkeys, begging for milk and a slice of bread, offering to do odd jobs for a hot meal.
Sat 2/1 is Neptune day with Venus conjunct Neptune in the morning and moon conjunct Neptune mid-afternoon. Here is a potentially memorable afternoon and evening for romance and artistic creativity. Meditation and prayer, love and appreciation may help tune the soul to a greater harmony. Have faith in yourself and in the many millions of others. Above all have faith in your deity or deities, and in what Manly Hall called “the rational soul of the world.” Have faith in the infinite creativity that is the essence of who and what you are. Don’t forget all the rest, all the tragedies, all the inevitabilities, are of the world of impermanence. We are here to love and to learn.
Sun 2/2 only lunar aspects are exact. As Maya Angelou wrote: “We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.” A good time for reading Stoic and Buddhist classics.