Star Weather Astrology Report 1/7–1/14
©2024 Ronnie Pontiac
All times Pacific.
Friends, we have a quiet week ahead of us, astrologically speaking. The major aspect of this week and the next is Mars trine Jupiter Friday 1/12. The prevailing pessimism here at the end of Pluto in Capricorn will take some time to dissipate. There are always reasons for pessimism, but when Pluto enters Aquarius the reasons for it are likely to change. An open mind will help us get better results as we meet the new circumstances. What Willa Cather wrote about artists is also true of anyone on the spiritual path: “Every artist makes himself born. It is very much harder than the other time, and longer.”
Sunday 1/7 only lunar aspects are exact. With Saturn square the moon this evening it’s a good time for meditation and for rest. Every so often I like to remind my readers that the planets and stars are not forces that compel us to have certain experiences or challenges. I believe Plotinus captured it most succinctly: “The stars are like letters that inscribe themselves at every moment in the sky. Everything in the world is full of signs. All events are coordinated. All things depend on each other. Everything breathes together.”
Mon 1/8 Mercury square Neptune is exact in the late afternoon. This can be a confusing aspect, sometimes indicating delays, miscommunication, and mental exhaustion. But by making the effort inspiration can be found and imagination can give us insights. For creative people it’s worth making some time for capturing ideas and feelings, but not a very good time for editing. For some this aspect can indicate dreams that haunt us, if so, write them down. When communicating with others ask questions and invite them. Clarity may take some effort. A trio of viruses are gaining ground out there, so take care; we’ll be hearing more about that with Mercury square Neptune.
Tue 1/9 sun trine Uranus is exact late afternoon. Sun sextile Saturn is exact in the early evening. This combination may give us a week when we see events individually or collectively that mirror the big changes Pluto is about to indicate. The sun represents our egos and the consciousness of a particular day, though these aspects may tell their stories a few days before or after they are exact. Uranus pertains to the future, to surprises and discoveries, new tech, and the strange and unusual. Saturn looks backwards, dwells on the negative, and contributes to the pessimism of Pluto in Capricorn. We’ve been watching the grand finale of this placement since last year. There’s not much time left for Saturn’s rule over Pluto. Of course, that doesn’t mean we won’t be facing the problems that currently occupy us, but big changes in these situations are inevitable as this year, this decade and the next progress.
Wed 1/10 only lunar aspects are exact. It’s interesting to note that the greatest differences between natives of zodiac signs seem to be on the lower end of the spectrum. The vices and errors of the signs seem to have characteristic themes. The short-sighted aggressive self-interest of Aries. The overly-analytic and critical perfectionism of Virgo. But as we evolve and gain spiritual attainment it can be difficult to tell the difference between a Capricorn and a Gemini, for example, because virtues are universal, and pure soul is not subject to the particular distinctions of the material world.
Thu 1/11 the new moon in Capricorn arrives at 3:57 AM. Venus trine Chiron is exact around dawn. The new moon in Capricorn, with Mars already in Capricorn, and Mercury entering the sign on Saturday, commences seven days that can be industrious and that can help us get organized. Of course, Mercury and Mars will stay in the sign longer than the moon, which leaves it early this evening, but the sign of the new moon is said to indicate the tendency of the month ahead. A good time for fresh starts but also for finishing things that have been waiting too long for closure. A good time for clearing clutter that has accumulated during times of stress. The Venus trine indicates a fortuitous time for women to heal and to provide a healing presence. Love, art, harmony, music, beauty can have a healing influence more so than at other times. This week provides an opportunity to soothe our troubles with the blessings of Venus.
Fri 1/12 Mars trine Jupiter is exact in the very early morning. On the one hand this is an energizing aspect, a good time to work toward defining and achieving success. Approaching matters of Mars with a sense of optimism can be helpful now. We can clear away the cobwebs that seem to have been accumulating since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008. Shake off the doldrums. As the poet Longfellow wrote: “Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.” On the other hand, when it comes to war Jupiter can expand conflicts, especially for opportunistic reasons. In our own lives this is a good time for adding invigorating exercise to our daily routine.
Sat 1/13 Mercury enters Capricorn in the early evening helping us get organized, simplify, streamline, and take the long view where goals are concerned. But also a good time to look back and assess how we’ve done, where we need to adjust course, and what we may need to let go of to make room for a better future for ourselves and others. As Thích Nhất Hạnh wrote: “People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar.”
Sun 1/14 Venus inconjunct Uranus is exact before dawn. Inconjunctions involve two planets in position to each other that are hard to balance and can indicate problems with health individually and collectively. We’ve seen how Venus can help us heal this week but here at the beginning of the following week Uranus may disrupt the harmonious feelings. It may be that we need to update our approaches to Venus. In a world of worry over war and other enormous challenges Venus can seem trite, selfish or sentimental. Far from it. It’s the power that holds the world together. This inconjunction can indicate moments in relationships where the grass appears to be greener elsewhere, but patience is called for with a momentous change less than a week away. From this day we are only six days from Pluto in Aquarius. As George Eliot wrote: “There are new eras in one’s life that are equivalent to youth — are something better than youth.”