Star Weather Astrology Report 11/24–12/1
©2024 Ronnie Pontiac
All times Pacific.
Friends, we’ve almost made it through 2024. Current events as well as major astrological changes promise an interesting 2025, when Saturn and Neptune first enter Aries, and Uranus leaves uncomfortable Taurus for Gemini. Please don’t use well refined skills of apprehension of possible disasters when contemplating these changes that should be welcome, not only because they’re unavoidable, but because we do need to “update your gray matter because one day it may matter.” Of course, there will be disasters. But there will also be fresh starts, dazzling discoveries, new cures, and a zeitgeist that feels like the dawn of a new era, one that better reflects the community and future oriented concerns of Pluto in Aquarius.
December will begin with two important astrological events. Mars stationary retrograde 12/6, then Neptune stationary direct 12/7. Saturn still dwells in the degree of its station until 12/4. Saturn always seems to ease up a little after the exact station, but there can be a simmering tension, the feeling that nothing is happening, everything is slow, and yet there’s not enough time. A month’s worth of this Saturn station will end soon. But Mars and Neptune are emphasized more each day as they approach their stations.
With Mars still opposition Pluto this Mars station indicates highly volatile times. It may have already provoked necessary changes in our lives. On the low end of the spectrum frustration can erupt into violence. The wars will likely have uglier than usual news. Outrage, suspicion, over reaction, revenge, forcing what we want, destructive actions, sinister implications. But it can also indicate effective action taken to reform, repair and renew ourselves and our surroundings.
Pluto having been until very recently in the degree of its station but no longer, and Saturn easing up as it leaves the degree of its station, this before Mars, Saturn and Neptune become stationary, is an astrological mercy to be thankful for. Nevertheless these four planets, called malefic, but actually representing a full spectrum of good and bad possibilities, have been near stationary much of this month and with Neptune and Pluto even longer. It’s like Mars, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto had to stand next to each other in an elevator, and we’re in there with them. Pluto left the elevator Tuesday. Saturn’s getting out in a couple of weeks.
The Mars and Neptune stations will be with us awhile longer. Mars until 12/12 and Neptune through January 2025. That means avoid aggro people and situations. Some may experience alternating bursts of desire driven energy followed by confusion or exhaustion. Beware deception. One scenario we want to avoid is repeatedly becoming angered by the latest news only to discover that it’s misinformation. Experiencing this over and over again can condition us to lose agency. Mars and Neptune together can indicate contagious illness, so take care. Astrologically speaking we’re still in somewhat treacherous waters.
Perhaps keep in mind Swedenborg’s idea that the dominant emotions in hell are feeling aggrieved because of not receiving support, and pleasure at seeing others not getting supported, especially the pleasure of withholding it. In so many of its places social media is, from that point of view, nothing less than a portal to hell. But don’t worry, Swedenborg said we are not thrown into hell by the big fella. The damned choose to go there, because the clarity and light of heaven are repulsive to them. The stench of hell draws them home. Yet, they can be saved, if they can learn to love.
Stationary Neptune on the one hand can indicate deceptions, confusion, misinformation, over intoxication, over sensitivity to emotions sweeping the collective, but on the other hand inspiration, meaningful dreams, wonder, imagination, meditation, charity, empathy, and experiences mystical, psychic, spiritual and religious. By putting energy into those pursuits we may be able to avoid the downside of these stations.
Sunday 11/24 only lunar aspects are exact. Andre Gide wrote: “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”
Monday 11/25 Mercury retrograde begins at 6:42 PM. If Mercury retrograde fills you with trepidation please read this: How to Enjoy Mercury Retrograde. A good time to go back and take care of details. More introspective. For most not a good time to launch new projects, but there are always exceptions.
Tue 11/26 Venus inconjunct Jupiter is exact in the late morning. Inconjunctions can indicate illness and this one suggests over indulgence followed by regret. A hangover, or indigestion, might be an example. Venus and Jupiter are said to get along, but with this aspect they seem disconnected. Patience is required, and the willingness to listen to both sides of issues involving romance and art, but also business, government, courts, and finance, in short, matters Venusian and Jupiterian. If we can balance respect for the harmony of Venus and the optimism of Jupiter difficult situations could be resolved.
Wed 11/27 Sun trine Mars is exact in the late morning followed by Venus square Chiron in the evening. The trine provides extra energy but indicates communications where too much eagerness or anger shows through even when we try to mask it. The square could provide a healing experience through love, sex, the arts, but it requires effort and we may feel some resistance to making an effort, especially with Saturn still dwelling in the degree of its station and Neptune nearly stationary. This can be an irritable aspect. The square can also indicate experiences such as planning a date or an outing but a health problem, your own or someone else’s, causes a change of plans. Another reason to avoid over indulgence this week.
Thu 11/28 Thanksgiving Day moon trine Saturn is exact in the early evening. Harmony is possible if everyone practices a little restraint, shows respect, and appreciates the power of silence. As usual, but especially now, respecting boundaries and showing loyalty should go over well.
Fri 11/29 only lunar aspects are exact. As George Sand wrote: “The artist’s vocation is to send light into the human heart.”
Sat 11/30 new moon in Sagittarius 10:21 PM. The new lunar cycle begins in adventurous and freedom loving Sagittarius but Mercury is retrograde so this may be a time for taking care of old business, catching up, editing, getting extra rest, withdrawing a bit to reflect.
Sun 12/1 Mercury trine Chiron is exact in the late evening. Have a healing conversation, or research healing for yourself or someone you love. Learn something new about to how to attain and hold on to a higher level of health and well being.
Uncertain times like these do provide an opportunity for working on important skills. Detachment and knowing when to use it. Developing patience. Learning how to recognize and respect our own disillusionment and traumatic echoes while maintaining our agency. Finding new ways to do things. Practicing meditation for greater clarity and stability. Appreciating the little daily miracles of life far too many of us overlook until they are threatened or taken from us. Some have become so traumatized by the reality of what is happening in the wars, for example, that they feel numb or guilty about their own lives, however humble their security and pleasures. Others have what they need but fear losing it because of political apprehensions. This requires self examination about the sources of self doubt, but also a look at its actual effect. By balancing our lives between all that keeps us going, and the good that we’re able to do, we can do more good.