Star Weather Astrology Report 2/3–2/9
©2025 Ronnie Pontiac
All times Pacific.
With Jupiter stationary direct in Gemini and Uranus stationary direct in Taurus this week brings a shift to a more positive and future oriented collective atmosphere. When Uranus went direct last week we saw a push-back against a tidal wave of traditionalist agendas. Consider it a metaphor for individual progress. If you have felt the weight of a personal avalanche of doubt and disillusionment now is the time to encounter sparks of regeneration. Give yourself time to adjust to the new playing field. Robert Kennedy Sr. said: “The tyranny of Communism is as old as the Pharaohs and the Pyramids — that the State stands above all men and their individual aspirations.”
What made Bruce Lee a great fighter, among other things, was his no style. His opponents would approach him with layer upon layer of strategy, a choreography of moves Lee easily foiled since he was in the moment. As his opponents became befuddled Lee looked for exposed and weak areas to hit with precise force. The rabble of grifters, traditionalists, and reactionaries who have seized control by skillful manipulations, have strategies within strategies. For example, the memo about impounding all funds that the administration was “forced” to withdraw is a sleight of hand move. The real goal is to get the case in front of the Supreme Court where a win for the president would mean stripping congress of its control of the purse strings. The president would become the “decider” on all important issues involving money. A move within a move.
What can we do? Stop. Watch. Listen. Communicate. Meditate. Hold the intent, the deep desire to be given an opportunity to do something effective and the patience to wait for it. We will all be finding new approaches to fighting for liberty and for democracy against billionaires, religious fanatics, and their stooges. Just like the Democratic Party, if they rise to the occasion and avoid leaning on their familiar old thorns for support, we can reinvent ourselves to protect what we cherish.
Mon 2/3 Mercury trine Jupiter is exact mid-afternoon, indicating a time of opportunity, of good news, of uplifting conversations or research. A good aspect for creative work that involves communication. Dare to be optimistic about your life and the world. Though we may stand amid the ruins we are here and we can use our intelligence, creativity, and resources to make a difference. Mars square Chiron is exact in the early evening, indicating the possibility of another step in the wrong direction concerning issues of public health. Bird flu, is a leading contender with the Saturn and Neptune conjunction of early 2026 growing more palpable especially beginning in April. For individuals this square can indicate illness related to frustrated libido, anger, or ambition. If you’ve been chronically outraged your body may require care. Venus enters Aries three minutes before midnight beginning a new cycle around the zodiac. Venus in Pisces is nostalgic, emotional, has the sense of clinging to all that we loved and have lost or fear we may lose. Venus in Aries will bring us back into the moment. Women especially may be galvanized to take action. The feeling of defeat that intensified January 2 this year when Venus entered Pisces will be replaced by a new horizon, a fresh start, regained determination. In our own lives we can focus on the present, get in touch with what we desire, who we must defend, and what we really want to accomplish next. Spring is only seven weeks away.
Tue 2/4 Jupiter is stationary direct in Gemini at 1:40 AM. Jupiter went retrograde 10/9. Look back to see what issues may have come up. How have you dealt with them? It may be hard to believe there can be optimism given the chaos recently unleashed by cynics and true believers but Jupiter has a way of finding not just silver but golden linings. If you know someone whose perspective lifts you, set aside some time for a good conversation. Return to a podcast, book or to music that inspires you. Or make your own. As Thoreau said: “None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm.”
Wed 2/5 and Thu 2/6 only lunar aspects are exact. Bell Hooks wrote: “When we drop fear, we can draw nearer to people, we can draw nearer to the earth, we can draw nearer to all the heavenly creatures that surround us.”
Fri 2/7 sun inconjunct Mars is exact in the hour after midnight. Another aspect indicated health issues caused by anger, desire or competition. Out of control egos may step into problems they didn’t anticipate. With Mercury inconjunct Mars later today sharp words could cause regret. For the well being of others and ourselves we can take care when communicating. We can listen instead of jumping to conclusions. We can be unexpectedly kind or simply move on rather than engaging in conflict. Venus sextile Pluto is exact couple of hours before dawn. This aspect can indicate intense moments in love, sexuality, art, fashion, and diplomacy. Be willing to face the shadows that hold you back in these areas. Mercury inconjunct Mars is exact mid-evening. Arguments could lead to health issues. So many of us are exhausting our bodies with the chemicals of stress and trauma as we doom scroll and pronounce our judgements on the latest shocking news. Take some time off. Do things that improve your health. Treat your body well instead of ignoring it while your brain races after the next controversy. Sun sextile Chiron is exact in the late evening. How about some yoga or mediation. A healthful practice tonight could also shore up that shaky sense of your own ability to get out there and shine.
Sat 2/8 Mercury sextile Chiron is exact in the late morning. Another bit of news about a potential health crisis in the public sector? With a sextile the news might be good, but with all the difficult health aspects this week, it may not seem particularly important. This is a good aspect for research, conversations, and short trips related to getting healthy. At the very least give some thought to how afew simple additions or subtractions to your routine could help you feel better. Seneca wrote: “Health is the soul that animates all the enjoyments of life, which fade and are tasteless without it.”
Sun 2/9 sun conjunct Mercury is exact a couple of hours before dawn. Conversations might go on longer than expected. Perhaps you will read or view something that holds your attention well into the night. Please don’t waste this aspect on doom scrolling. Have a conversation with someone you care about instead. Play with your pet. Take a short trip to enjoy the play of light in the world in the present moment. Mars trine Saturn is exact about an hour before dawn indicating a good time to simplify, plan, organize, learn, practice, mentor or be mentored. Refine your skills and your goals when it comes to your passions, your indignation, and your aspirations. As David Lynch said: “Meditation is to dive all the way within, beyond thought, to the source of thought and pure consciousness. It enlarges the container, every time you transcend. When you come out, you come out refreshed, filled with energy and enthusiasm for life.”