Star Weather Astrology Report 4/14–4/28
©2024 Ronnie Pontiac

All times Pacific.
Friends, we have before us a rather busy week followed by yet another week of almost no exact aspects, so for the third time in a row this report will cover two weeks. This is unusual. It seems to indicate resting periods, weeks when we can catch our breath and adjust to new conditions. Big events are on the horizon including Jupiter conjunct Uranus exact 4/20 and Pluto stationary retrograde 5/2. Pluto retrograde will slip back into Capricorn on 9/3, become stationary direct 10/11, and return to Aquarius 11/19 staying in that sign until 2043. Events between now and mid-November may cause pessimism but setbacks are likely temporary.
Sunday 4/14 only lunar aspects are exact. A good quote by Martha Nussbaum to keep in mind during this presidential election year: “Fear and monarchy pair nicely. But democracy means you have to work with people you may not like but you must still believe are your equals. And a fearful people never trust the other side.”
Monday 4/15 Mercury retrograde conjunct Chiron is exact in the morning. These conjunctions are good times for paying attention to our bodies, noticing imbalances and adjustments that may need to be made in diet, activities, or thought habits. A good aspect for doing research about healing, and for conversations with knowledgeable healers. This conjunction can sometimes indicate news about a crisis or threat to public health.
Tue 4/16, Wed 4/17, and Thu 4/18 only lunar aspects are exact. Alice Walker wrote: “I have fallen in love with the imagination. And if you fall in love with the imagination, you understand that it is a free spirit. It will go anywhere, and it can do anything.” Those are not glib words, they can be used to describe the secret of the Golden Flower.
Fri 4/19 is the busy day this week, astrologically speaking. It begins with Mercury retrograde conjunct Venus a minute before 2 AM. This brings grace to self expression, and the potential for romance. Say nice things to those who represent Venus in your life. Writers, musicians and artists if at all possible make some time for enjoying your craft. The sun enters Taurus at exactly 7 AM bringing a more sensual and perhaps less aggressive mood to our daily lives. If possible emphasize good food and pleasant secure surroundings. Next Mars sextile Jupiter is exact in the morning, and finally Mars sextile Uranus is exact in the late afternoon.
Here Mars expresses the Jupiter Uranus conjunction. This could go either way. On the low end of the spectrum the war could shock many as a demonstration of unexpected hi tech destructiveness expands the conflict. We can see hot heads on all sides banging the drums for war, taking aggressive stances. On the other hand this conjunction could indicate good news such as an unexpected breakthrough in diplomacy, or an act of widespread resistance. In our own lives we can apply more energy in areas where we see the potential for future success, but take care about how success is defined. Getting clicks is not the most interesting motivation. As Thoreau wrote: “Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.”
Sat 4/20 the big day arrives. Jupiter conjunct Uranus is exact at 7:27 PM and continues until 5/25. In the big picture this an unpredictable combination, especially with Pluto stationary retrograde nearing. Together they can indicate big shocking events, yet they are both liberators. Could Uranus overpower Jupiter disrupting courts, public institutions, and the economy? Possibly. Keep an eye out for the arrival of someone or something that symbolizes the advent of Pluto in Aquarius. But when contemplating astrological aspects always keep in mind the propensity shared by many astrologers of over-reacting to the good and bad potentials of aspects. From my observation of them the effects are generally more subtle. The severity experienced of the astrological weather indicated by ominous aspects seems to be connected with refusal to learn lessons that life teaches. Even severe aspects, we have noticed, bring rewards to those who learn well.
These Jupiter Uranus conjunctions can indicate shocking developments individually and collectively, realted to the threats of bureaucracy, the sudden breakdown of institutions, we may feel that we are fighting for our rights and freedom in the face of fast moving changes. Yet if we respond appropriately, if we provide what is required, if we are willing to learn how to adapt to the new conditions that reveal themselves, after taking necessary steps, we may achieve a significant liberation, and greater well being.
Sun 4/21 Venus conjunct Chiron is exact before dawn. Find healing in expressing and receiving love, creating or admiring art, beauty, and harmony. Heal relationships, restore a sense of appreciation for the small wonders of daily life. This may be challenging with sun square Pluto exact in the late morning. The Pluto side of this aspect may be somewhat amplified by Pluto’s upcoming station. This can indicate aggressive behavior, sings on possible breakdowns that will sooner or later require repair, apprehension, suspicion, and relentless obsessions. But Pluto squares are a good time for meditation and the practice of techniques that can improve health. Women and other representatives of Venus are favored as receivers and sources of healing this week.
Mon 4/22 only lunar aspects are exact. Picasso said: “It takes a long time to become young.”
Tue 4/23 the full moon at 4 Scorpio arrives in the late afternoon further emphasizing the building atmosphere of Pluto’s station. Great placement for research and for cathartic activities, including cultivating tranquility.
Wed 4/24 only lunar aspects are exact. As Sophocles wrote: “Always desire to learn something useful.”
Thu 4/25 Mercury is direct at 5:54 AM. How was your Mercury retrograde? Did you finish things? Did you get some down time? With the gravity of Pluto almost stationary retrograde this Mercury direct may not feel quite as zippy as they sometimes do.
Fri 4/26 only lunar aspects are exact. Natsuo Kirino wrote: “And what if, in order to keep on living, I have to continue to accept myself?”
Sat 4/27 Mars conjunct Neptune is exact in the evening. This can indicate charitable actions, a strong urge for intoxication and escapism, or effort put into the psychic and mystical areas of life. It can also indicate a rare viability of higher guidance for activities intended to help us make our marks on the world. Meditate for a moment before you start any strenuous activity including sports. Keep in mind these wise words written by Hermann Hesse: “Happiness is a how; not a what. A talent, not an object.”