Star Weather: Astrology Report 7/30–8/6
All Times Pacific
Friends, it’s been awhile since I’ve been able to say that we have a relatively quiet week ahead of us astrologically speaking, but that is the case this week. A rough start however, as last week’s parade of irritating and disorienting inconjunctions continues with Venus inconjunct Neptune on Sunday. On the one hand we want to enjoy matters of Venus: art, romance, fashion, luxury, creativity, gardens, the pleasures of life. On the other Neptune confuses us with guilt. This is the getting too drunk on a great date aspect but the dynamic can apply to many different situations. We may ignore intuition, and then misunderstand what is happening or said. We may idealize a person or creation only to discover they are not as perfect as we hoped.
Yet, all Venus Neptune aspects have an enchanting quality. With objectivity and patience creative people may find the inspiration and imagination to craft something special. It’s interesting to note that this series of inconjunctions brought another but so far much smaller summer Covid surge as well as higher levels of the current selection of other viruses. Inconjunctions are said to indicate public health crisis and in this case they seem to have coincided. We’re likely to have a few of these crests through summer into fall. Uranus stationary retrograde at the end of August may have something to say about this.
Mon 7/31 only lunar aspects are exact. Iamblichus the Neoplatonist wrote: “All things in the world of Nature are not controlled by Fate for the soul has a principle of its own.” In most spiritual traditions we are taught that if we cultivate our souls we will move in greater harmony with nature avoiding many potential pitfalls of fate. Meditation is where most begin. Meditation allows us to refresh ourselves with a dip into eternity. As Marilio Ficino said: “The soul exists partly in eternity and partly in time.”
Tue 8/1 the full moon in Aquarius arrives at 11:32 AM amplifying Mars trine Jupiter exact in the afternoon. In the evening Mercury opposition Saturn is exact. The trine is gregarious, optimistic, even aggressive. Avoid arrogance, or trying to force success. The opposition can be pessimistic, and so can conversations. Mental exhaustion and self doubt are not uncommon. You can see how these two aspects work at cross purposes. The trine wants progress no matter the cost. The opposition is a constant reminder of limits, debts, and rules. The opposition can be good for editing though the trine may encourage overdoing it. Take a break, if possible, it’s better than making big decisions.
Wed 8/2, Thu 8/3, Fri 8/4, Sat 8/5 only lunar aspects are exact. Petrarch provides a reminder that might be helpful this week: “Love is the crowning grace of humanity, the holiest right of the soul, the golden link which binds us to duty and truth, the redeeming principle that chiefly reconciles the heart to life, and is prophetic of eternal good.”
Sun 8/6 sun square Jupiter is exact adding more optimism to Mars trine Jupiter. Overdoing is more likely. Too much of a good thing can be harmful. Mercury opposition Saturn will have faded, and the restraint shown earlier in the week could surrender at the beginning of the next. Be optimistic but try to avoid false optimism. The drive to succeed or to achieve other Mars related successes will be increasing as August progresses. The rest of the month will be energized by a series of seven Mars aspects. As Marcus Aurelius wrote: “The universe is transformation: life is opinion.” And where there are opinions there is conflict.
Aug 11 Mars inconjunct Chiron, Aug 16 Mars trine Uranus, Aug 22 Mars opposes Neptune, Aug 24 Mars trine Pluto, Aug 27 Mars enters Libra, Sep 1 Mars inconjunct Saturn. All that and Uranus stationary retrogade on Aug 28. It looks like a battle between getting on with it and problems with limitations that can’t be ignored. Avoid aggressive people. The combination of extreme heat and these Mars aspects could cause unnecessary conflict. Men in particular are liable to be ornery. Drive defensively. Avoid confrontations.
The last two weeks of August will be a rare opportunity to learn some lessons about how Mars operates in our lives. Do we know what we want? Are we trying to get it in the most effective ways? Are we angrier than we thought we were? Do we lash out in small ways? Are we resilient or resigned? It’s too easy to get into a “this is war” predicament with all that Mars activity. Use the energy in more constructive ways. Work to improve your life, or have some fun with it. With Mars aspects it’s always good to take time to find out what’s going on with other people, who will be dealing with Mars in their own ways. Communicate. Try to stay cool and calm. For many it’s all part of waking up from the long doze of the covid doldrums. We must be patient with ourselves and others. Petrarch also wrote: “And men go about to wonder at the heights of the mountains, and the mighty waves of the sea, and the wide sweep of rivers, and the circuit of the ocean, and the revolution of the stars, but themselves they consider not.”