Star Weather Astrology Report 8/25-9/2

Ronnie Pontiac
7 min readAug 24, 2024


©2024 Ronnie Pontiac

Photo by Tamra Lucid.

Friends, we have before us a week when Venus takes center stage. But the week ends with two pivotal shifts that may change the astrological weather significantly, as Uranus will be stationary retrograde and Pluto retrograde will re-enter Capricorn. Mercury also turns direct this week. If you read last week’s report you know how difficult the astrology was. The DNC convention, a highly successful four night celebration of diversity and joy, exemplifies how even bad aspects can have good results. More on that in the next paragraph. Keep in mind that Jupiter square Saturn is still with us (until 9/21) and it will return in December. As discussed in earlier reports this aspect indicates conflict between optimism and pessimism, joy and fear, the new and the old, individually and collectively. To emphasize only the positive is as much a pitfall as surrendering to the negative. If we favor one part of the square and we ignore the other the issues indicated by the ignored planet tend to come back and bite us, so find balance for best results. Know where to set strong boundaries, and where to be generous and joyful.

Many astrologers alarmed by the alleged doom and violence represented by Algol expected a repeat of the 1968 riots that derailed the DNC and unleashed a chaotic period that Richard Nixon took advantage of as he promised law and order. Of course, as Watergate revealed, he was not a law abiding president. By the way you can also thank him for the blizzard of pharmaceutical commercials that have frightened children for generations. Keep in mind that only America and New Zealand allow these commercials and that they are write offs and therefore cost Big Pharma nothing.

Clearly Trump, his campaign, and right wing media were hoping the return of the DNC to Chicago would degenerate into a war between protestors and police. But as I’ve pointed out along with other astrologers like Rick Levine, Algol is related to female fury as a response to injustice. The celebration of powerful women last week demonstrated a much higher potential. Known for decapitation, the symbol found a more sublime expression in the wake of President Biden passing the torch. For many people this DNC was a revelatory, tearful and joyful promise of hope for a better America.

But not for all Americans. It was a bitter time for racists who in the Olympics and at the DNC saw a vivid demonstration of the talent and power of diversity and of people of color. Misogynists, including the one who posted on one of my astrology videos that a woman of color would never ever be president, were also dismayed and angered. Those who have fallen deeply into Trump’s web of conspiracy theories were unable to enjoy the event. RFK Jr. smugly dismissed it as a circus while endorsing the man who demands that he should be above the law, somehow believing that an obvious misogynist and grifter could lead us to a better America. As his father, a great man said: “There are people in every time and every land who want to stop history in its tracks. They fear the future, mistrust the present, and invoke the security of a comfortable past which, in fact, never existed.”

There are all sorts of obstacles to achieving the defeat of Plan 2025 and the liar who says he doesn’t know anything about it: the aforementioned racists, misogynists, and homophobes, the clique of billionaires who can spend enormous sums of money to influence and undermine, the hackers and AI manipulators who have taken from the concept of chaos magic that reality is theirs to shape, let’s call it 4Chan politics. We also have the problem of the discouraged, disillusioned and embittered, who consider both parties unworthy voting for and the political system so broken they refuse to participate, a betrayal of all the sacrifices made by previous generations of Americans who got us here by enduring much worse.

We have positive thinkers and some among the spiritually inclined who consider politics beneath them, a mere illusion, unworthy of the attention of those dedicated to cultivating the soul. We have one dimensional prognosticators declaring outcomes that leave their followers feeling that fate is decided and they need not participate. Many so called New Age teachers have preached that their followers should ignore politics. My mentor Manly Palmer Hall did not agree. If the most soulful of us abandon the process of government that is not purity or good hygiene, it is abdication of our responsibility to participate in working to make our communities better, not to mention the loss of an area of life filled with valuable lessons about complexity and compromise. As the Secret of the Golden Flower teaches, it is only by participating in our world that we can achieve the highest attainment.

Sunday 8/25 only lunar aspects are exact. As Simone de Beauvoir wrote in a quote I often share: “Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay.”

Mon 8/26 the dark of the moon begins in the wee hours after midnight so take it easy. This is generally considered seven days for resting, reviewing, finishing rather than starting new projects or taking on high energy challenges.

Tue 8/27 Venus trine Uranus is exact, this can be an exciting aspect, especially for art, romance and the enjoyment of beauty and harmony. If you’re creative this week is golden time. Get busy. In relationships, creativity and finances new approaches, new tech, and unexpected approaches can revolutionize our experiences. Try something different. Take a different route. Let new tech liberate your process. Welcome the unexpected instead of recoiling from it. However with Venus opposition Neptune tomorrow watch out for manipulation and ulterior motives.

Wed 8/28 Venus opposition Neptune is exact in the early afternoon followed by Mercury stationary direct mid-afternoon. As said above take care to steer clear of those with hidden agendas. This can be a wonderful aspect, full of inspiration and imagination, compassion and mystical insight, but it can also indicate delusions, illusions, over-intoxication, and escapism. It’s not uncommon to feel a sense of exhaustion if we have ignored healthy habits in relationships and creativity. Avoid entanglement in trifles.

Thu 8/29 Venus leaves Virgo for Libra at 6:23 AM, then Venus trines Pluto an hour later. Venus is not comfortable in Virgo, an analytic sign that can become perfectionist. On the other hand, Venus rules Libra, a sign of partnership and artistic creativity. If you’ve been feeling a chill in the areas of romance or art you may find welcome relief in this new placement of Venus. For best results find partners who share your goals, or simply your idea of a good time. Venus trine Pluto can be transformative and cathartic, liberating us from the delusions of others and our own outgrown patterns. This midweek combination of Venus aspects is rather extraordinary. Be sure to make time for romance with the one you love, this could be a breakthrough week for art and relationships. Seek inspiration, enjoy imagination, allow yourself to fall in love with life again. Even in a world of political conflict and circulating disease every day we can find beauty and joy. This is likely to be another banner week for the Harris campaign.

Fri 8/30 and Sat 8/31 only lunar aspects are exact. As Paulo Coelho wrote:
“You have to take risks. We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen.”

Sun 9/1 Uranus is stationary retrograde at 8:18 AM followed by Pluto’s reentry into Capricorn at 5:10 PM. Uranus stationary can make us erratic. We may drawn to the strange and unusual or derailed by the unexpected. It’s important to focus on what makes you feel free. Respect the unique needs of those you care about. Uranus has dwelled in the degree of today’s retrograde station since 8/8 and will dwell in that degree until 9/27. It’s not unusual for people to feel increasingly anxious during this process. Many astrologers are predicting a reversal of the great momentum the Democrats achieved, since Uranus rules innovation and forward thinking, while Pluto in Capricorn has favored oligarchs and authoritarians. On the other hand Pluto will dwell in the final degree of Capricorn for all its return to that sign (until 11/20). As we have seen in previous reports the final degree of any sign often indicates the culmination, failure and destruction of the areas of life and institutions indicated. Pluto in Capricorn is autocratic, favors old elites, and ruthless power manipulators. While some astrologers are predicting that Trump will win with Pluto in Capricorn the fact that Pluto is in the final degree may indicate the unraveling and collapse of the whole agenda of political fear mongering and the idea that “tough” leaders are realists, and are more important, than those they represent.

Pluto in Aquarius is about showing us how we are all interconnected. This can manifest in good and bad ways, of course. For example, as discussed last week, with a Saturn Neptune cycle coming up in 2025 that was previously active during the Spanish flu epidemic, we are seeing a surge in covid currently, concern about m-pox and a virulent and potentially lethal bird flu that has shown some ability to infect humans. When such epidemics occur we are reminded that what we allow for the least of us can impact us all. The disease that mutates in areas of poverty and warfare can infect the most privileged anywhere in the world. In another example an alarming new scientific study has shown how the average person’s brain these days contains 0.5 percent by weight of microplastics, and higher concentrations have been linked to dementia and other human illnesses. What we do effects not only ourselves, but all of us. We can no longer throw our garbage into our poorer neighbor’s terrain without reaping the harm ourselves. Pluto in Aquarius teaches us that obvious but difficult lesson. I’ll always be grateful to Edward James Olmos for teaching me not to drink from plastic bottles, because that is a principle source of microplastics in our bodies.

The following week begins with Mercury trine Chiron, the new moon in Virgo, and Mars square Neptune. Take it easy.

I want to thank those who follow me for helping me achieve my first thousand YouTube subscribers. There will be quite a bit more content on my channel soon.



Ronnie Pontiac
Ronnie Pontiac

Written by Ronnie Pontiac

A place for my writing about spiritual mysteries, American Metaphysical Religion, astrology, and related subjects. As a kid I was mentored by Manly P. Hall.

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