Star Weather: Astrology Report 8/6–8/13
© 2023 Ronnie Pontiac
All Times Pacific
Friends, we have a relatively quiet week in that the aspects are few but it may not feel that way with a parade of Mars aspects growing stronger.
Sun 8/6 sun square Jupiter is exact. As long as we don’t overdo, especially spending, this can be a joyous aspect, and can indicate opportunities. How’s your optimism doing? If the answer is what optimism take some time to find something to be optimistic about. However for others the question might be is this optimism or false optimism I’m feeling? In other words, have my rose-colored glasses deceived me? Taking a moment to ponder these questions can help us become more connected to how we’re really feeling and what we can do about it. Small adjustments in habits and goals can go a long way.
Mon 8/7 and Tue 8/8 only lunar aspects are exact. The dark of the moon arrives on Tue at 3:28 AM commencing a week that is said to be better for finishing projects than starting them. A good week to get extra rest and give a little time to introspection, though all that Mars may make it difficult. Kurt Vonnegut wrote: “The arts are not a way to make a living. They are a very human way of making life more bearable. Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven’s sake.”
Wed 8/9 Venus square Uranus is exact before dawn while Mercury trine Jupiter is exact in the late afternoon. Expenditures on new tech are likely to surge with these two aspects as the square indicates the hunt is on for the latest tech especially in music, the arts, and film. Try something new in romance and creativity. Attraction to the strange is not unusual with this square. Squares require effort but this square also benefits from play. As Arthur Evans wrote: “The established concept of how human beings must behave — butch, competitive, violent men dominating passive, feminine women . . . is not necessitated by the order of the cosmos, but is a lopsided and arbitrary re-enforcement of certain human capabilities.” What we want to avoid are proclamations or erratic actions that distract from Venus.
Thu 8/10 only lunar aspects are exact. Don’t let the irritability of moon square Mars derail an evening that could belong to the healing combination of moon sextile Chiron and moon sextile Venus. “Love heals. Heals and liberates. I use the word love, not meaning sentimentality, but a condition so strong that it may be that which holds the stars in their heavenly positions and that which causes the blood to flow orderly in our veins,” as Maya Angelou wrote.
Fri 8/11 Mars inconjunct Chiron is exact. During the pandemic this has sometimes indicated surges, and while this summer’s expected surge seems mild in comparison taking precautions where appropriate is probably a good idea. This aspect can also indicate illness or injuries caused by repressed anger, ambition or libido. August with so many Mars aspects brings us a rare opportunity to work on these matters. Sort out what you want, what success really means to you, and give your body a chance to have some fun instead of dwelling in the shadows of the overactive brain.
Sat 8/12 sun trine Chiron is exact. This would seem to bode well for the surge remaining mild. But then it also indicates a time when by demonstrating what we’ve learned about staying healthy we can enjoy good health and avoid unnecessary risks. One of the lessons the pandemic has been teaching us about our priorities. We have been confronted with questions about what really matters to us. On the other hand as the pandemic becomes endemic we must learn how to be carefree in the world again, at least sometimes.
Sun 8/13 sun trine Venus is exact. Venus will trine Chiron Monday morning. 8/16 Mars trine Jupiter will be exact the first of five Mars aspects over two weeks. These aspects are getting stronger daily, so keep an eye on how Mars is doing in your life. Suppressed anger, ambition, libido and the other expressions of Mars may become aggressive if thwarted or ignored. An uptick in arguments and violence is likely so stay calm and avoid trouble. Don’t drive aggressively. Take a deep breath and take your time. The urge to get going will be very strong but this mixed bag of Mars aspects will probably bring as many predicaments as opportunities. Choose how you want to apply this energy. Get something done. Get a good start. Have some fun. Sports are favored but keep the competition friendly, as several of these Mars aspects coming up indicate a time when people tend to be a bit more accident prone, especially when frustrated or angry. As Mark Twain wrote: “Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.” But if you’ve been feeling exhausted these aspects indicate a good time to get energized again.