Star Weather Astrology Report: 9/3–9/10

Ronnie Pontiac
4 min readSep 2, 2023


© 2023 Ronnie Pontiac

Photo by Tamra Lucid.

Friends, we have a quiet week ahead, astrologically speaking, with enough Jupiter activity to indicate opportunities for fun and success. However, last Friday’s Mars inconjunct Saturn overshadows this week. This can indicate issues in the area of health caused by aggressive striving and/or resigned inertia. Mars inconjunct Saturn indicates a time that can be frustrating when it comes to ambitions, boundaries, and desires. Trying to force our way can cause exhaustion, even trouble with authorities. So we can benefit from moderation, and we can respect buth Mars and Saturn in our activities this week, using the energy Mars indicates constructively, while observing the mean with the discipline of Saturn.

The continuing stationary retrograde of Uranus may make some feel apprehensive. It can, depending on one’s personal chart, indicate the sudden disappearance of people or places we relied on. The pace of our changing world may surprise us. People are likely to feel that tech which is becoming indispensable is unreliable. On the other hand we may be liberated by the latest update, or new tech that streamlines our lives. An open-minded curiosity and willingness to explore the unexpected, grounded by friendly skepticism, can serve us well this week.

Sun 9/3 Venus is stationary direct at 6:20 PM possibly making this a Labor Day weekend to remember (though Saturday’s lunar aspects may cause distractions). Favor the activities of Venus. Be creative, romantic, and enjoy the beautiful. Look for harmony. Enjoy music and art. Holiday in a way that makes your heart sing. Paulo Coelho wrote: “When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”

Mon 9/4 Mercury trine Jupiter is exact with Jupiter exactly stationary retrograde at 7:10 AM which could indicate a fake-out, such as a success that fades like a mirage, for example. But that doesn’t mean the opportunity is lost. Retrogrades may indicate delays that allow us to go back over old ground to make improvements. It may prove to be surprisingly fun. However with so many retrogrades we are advised to take it slow and enjoy the detours until Mercury goes direct 9/15.

Tue 9/5 only lunar aspects are exact. There’s plenty of news going arond that inspires dread. But what’s the use of dwelling on prognostications of doom, especially regarding matters over which we have no influence? Especially when the world we occupy day by day needs attention. Universal reformation is beyond us unless we begin by bringing clarity to our own lives. As Boethius wrote: “Balance out the good things and the bad that have happened in your life and you will have to acknowledge that you are still way ahead. You are unhappy because you have lost those things in which you took pleasure? But you can also take comfort in the likelihood that what is now making you miserable will also pass away.”

Wed 9/6 sun conjunct Mercury is exact, putting more ego into communications. But conversations can provide new perspectives that can help us evolve a more authentic life. This aspect can indicate jumping to conclusions, especially with Mercury retrograde. The dark of the moon begins at 3:21 PM. Take it easy. Introversion is good during this moon phase. Ponder 2023 as we enter its last quarter. Talk with friends about past, present and future. Get extra rest. Don’t push projects aggressively, or if you must, be cool about it. Too much force invites an equal or greater reaction with so many planets now retrograde (all but Venus and Mars).

Thu 9/7 only lunar aspects are exact. How can we perhaps include others in our successes? Can we help someone or something worthy from behind the scenes? “It’s much better to do good in a way that no one knows anything about it,” Tolstoy wrote.

Fri 9/8 sun trine Jupiter is exact, another optimistic and potentially joyous aspect. However, with sun inconjunct Chiron this is not a weekend for overdoing what we enjoy. A little moderation can prevent harm. Chiron can indicate crisis in the area of health, and the inconjunction with the sun indicates that some of us may be derailed from our plans by dealing with problems of our own or among those we care for. This can be avoided for most if we pay attention to the messages our bodies send us. Changes of habit, moderating bad ones and emphasizing good ones, can help us avoid trouble further down the line. Start small. Take it slow.

Sat 9/9, and next Sun 9/10 only lunar aspects are exact but sun inconjunct Chiron on Mon 9/11 continues the theme of Mars inconjunct Saturn, as health issues lurk, and disrupt plans, and perhaps distribution. Make body friendly choices this week. We’ve probably got a wild ride ahead as Pluto in Capricorn approaches its grand finale over the next five months. Since 2008 Pluto has journeyed through the sign ruled by Saturn. It’s the toughest combo in the astrological menu. Look for reasons to be joyful this week, and enjoy quiet moments. Appreciate nature and all that you love. As Ficino wrote: “the whole power of magic consists in love.”



Ronnie Pontiac
Ronnie Pontiac

Written by Ronnie Pontiac

A place for my writing about spiritual mysteries, American Metaphysical Religion, astrology, and related subjects. As a kid I was mentored by Manly P. Hall.

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