The Magic of the Orphic Hymns: A Course on All Things Orpheus
Honored to begin my four class course on The Magic of the Orphic Hymns on White Lotus Day, the day Theosophists celebrate the life of Madame Blavatsky. 5 PM PDT. We begin by discussing the four elemental myths of Orpheus. There are some course materials each week, and a practice to conclude each talk.
Orpheus and the Orphic mysteries are the root of western esotericism, a perennially reoccurring influence on the occult, mysticism, the arts, and counterculture. We’ll be looking at the hymns, the death passports, Plato-Orpheus-Pythagoras, magic, and the amazing history of these beliefs and practices.
Tickets here, all proceeds to benefit the American Theosophical Society: