The Murderer Who Became a Buddha
Milarepa was only seven when his father died. His uncle and aunt took over the house. They lived well, but neglected and abused the widow and her children. So the widow sent her son, Milarepa, to learn sorcery from a master of black magick. The boy proved to be quite talented at the dark arts. He returned to get revenge on those who had hurt his mother. Many died in the destruction he manifested.
But regret replaced anger as Milarepa realized the terrible karma he had earned as a vengeful teen. Some told him after the horrible things he had done he could never find enlightenment in a single lifetime. But Milarepa’s devotion to meditation and wisdom made him first a master and then a buddha. He even forgave his aunt.
Still, the enlightened cannot escape the karma they have acquired. This story about Milarepa illustrates how enlightenment can transform even the most threatening situations.
Milarepa meditated in a cave in the wilderness where he seldom saw another living being. One morning he heard in the distance the ferocious barking of a dog. He knew he was about to have visitors. A terrified deer burst out of the underbrush and froze, not knowing where to run.
Milarepa felt deep compassion for this soul whose karma had ripened into the panic of a poor hunted animal. So he began to sing. First he sang about the hopelessness of trying to run from the delusions of the senses. Fear and flight only ensnare more completely. Then he sang of the only refuge: the silence and serenity of the true self.
The deer walked to Milarepa and began licking his hands. Milarepa gently patted the deer to comfort it. The deer lay down beside him with her back against Milarepa’s knee.
Then the hunting dog burst onto the scene. The red bitch was collared with spikes and her tongue drooled with bloodlust. Her eyes were fiery with ferocity. Her job in life was to hunt down and kill and she was ready to fulfill her purpose.
But Milarepa took pity on this poor soul whose karma had ripened into the life of a hunting dog. He sang to the dog that anger and violence can never bring true peace and freedom. That enlightenment is the only thing worth hunting for. Without it, a dog could spend eternity in ferocious pursuit of only delusions. Then Milarepa sang of the way to enlightenment.
The dog whimpered and cast down her eyes. Slowly she walked to Milarepa and nudged his hand. Milarepa patted the dog on her head and she laid down with her back against the deer.
Milarepa knew the dog’s master would arrive soon. The hunter walked proudly out of the underbrush. The richly dressed man had an arrogant expression, an arrow ready in his bow. He glared at Milarepa.
“You’ve bewitched my dog!” the hunter snarled. “You greasy monks multiply like rats around here! No one will notice one less.” With that he fired at Milarepa but the arrow missed its target.
“You’ll have plenty of time to shoot me later,” Milarepa said, “but first listen to my song.” Milarepa sang that a human life is more rare and precious than a jewel. But to waste a human life in violence, and chasing after pleasures which are only illusions, can only cause suffering. What sort of karma was the hunter making for himself? What life could he expect to suffer next? Would he be the deer or the dog? The only pleasure worth chasing is enlightenment, which makes of the entire world a beautiful harmony.
While Milarepa sang, the skeptical hunter went into his cave, expecting to find there abundant possessions and enough food for a feast, for that was how many undedicated monks lived, pretending poverty. But the cave of Milarepa was empty. The hunter realized this was no ordinary monk. He saw his ferocious hunting dog resting side by side with the wild deer. His arrows had always hit the mark but he had missed when he shot at Milarepa. The hunter realized he was in the presence of a true master.
And so the hunter renounced his life of power and pleasure to study the path with Milarepa.