Weekly Astrology: Aug 23 to Aug 30
While challenging aspects such as Mars square Pluto remain a strong influence we have before us a relatively positive week, but it begins and ends a bit rough.
Monday Aug 24 Mercury inconjunct Chiron is exact at 5:35 AM Pacific. Chiron can indicate healing, by crisis if necessary. With Mercury involved this is a good time to do research or to speak with informed people about health issues. Don’t ignore hints your body gives you about what is working well in your routine and what is not. Give some thought to the ideal of a healthier you.
Also Monday Mars square Saturn is exact at 11:19 AM. You may recall one of these reports that discussed a pattern that would be repeating through the end of the year. Mars square Jupiter first stoking arrogance and over optimism. Mars square Pluto next, exposing the consequences of wrong action but also increasing the potential for aggression and violence. Then Mars square Saturn: exhaustion, hard facts, unavoidable limitations.
Mars square Jupiter, the first step, occurred in the first week of August. Mars square Pluto was exact Aug 14–16. Now we reach the third step. Take some time to contemplate your August. See how the Mars squares to Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn have played out. It is possible for these squares to indicate success, healing and achievement. Avoid establishing a pattern of false certainty followed by crisis and then depression. Also avoid arguments that could lead to violence. We can see as Saturn and Pluto slowly near each other again how agents of violence are drawn to action.
Consider the Portland Protest, for example. Violent elements among the protestors, among the police and border patrol, and right wing militia types, has been increasing. The way that violence draws these people will continue to fester as the rest of 2020 unfolds with a likely crisis around late September and early October. Another obstacle related to the pandemic is also possible then. We can use these challenging aspects to learn about how our ambitions and libido play out in the world, how anger can work for us or against us, how to improve effectiveness, and how to liberate energy locked up in old patterns.
Tuesday Aug 25 Mercury trine Uranus is exact at 8:18 AM. This aspect is great for writing and for communications. A good time to explore new tech that can liberate your creativity, or that can help you organize better for the future. Surprising messages may bring realizations. The desire to get out and about, to feel free again, may be quite strong, especially with Venus opposing Jupiter that afternoon. But with Mars square Saturn and Pluto, and Saturn and Pluto headed for a not exact but still powerful rendezvous in late September, risk taking is not a good plan.
Also Tue, Venus opposition Jupiter is exact just before 3:30 PM. This can be a joyous aspect, there can be opportunities for success, romance, and creativity. The dangers are over doing and over optimism. We can delude ourselves with positive expectations that don’t fit our actual needs or the needs of the world. We can indulge and spend or otherwise consume too much for a feeling of spurious joy. Instead, elevate your emotional response. Cherish those you love. Do what you can to give happiness. Appreciate all the beauties of nature ongoing around us. Listen to uplifting music or create something uplifting. But don’t take foolish risks in the name of nothing more than a temporary good time.
Thursday, Aug 27 Venus trine Neptune is exact at 2:13 PM, a beautiful aspect for the arts, romance, the imagination, and mystical appreciation. Love, music and all arts, natural beauty, all can bring more light into our lives. If you are a creative person, this week, and especially this day, are a great time to work your craft. You may need to edit results later as there are so many astrological cross currents at work, but something wonderful can happen if you give it a chance.
Saturday Aug 29 Mercury trine Jupiter is exact just before 6:30 AM another wonderful aspect for writing and communication. Dare to be optimistic about a better future. Spend time talking about, researching and contemplating what success means to you now, and what it will mean after the pandemic. Encourage your loved ones. Be generous if you can be with those to whom your generosity will bring survival and hope.
Sunday Aug 30 Venus opposes Pluto just before 6:30 AM. A word of advice, not a good time to cross a Libra or a Taurus. This aspect can indicate the creation of powerful art. Sexual preoccupations for some may indicate the need to release pent up energy in ways that provide catharsis. If you are insecure about your work don’t let this aspect convince you to delete it. Go ahead and create from the darkest and most desperate places. It may not be time to share it, but you may get healing from the process. In relationships be mindful of the needs of others. Don’t just take or demand what you want from people without concern for their feelings. The more attention given to mutual needs the better with this aspect, whereas selfish behavior may backfire with unexpected consequences.
Also Sunday Mercury opposition Neptune is exact at 11:44 AM. This can be the accidental overdose aspect so take care. Be aware when in transit as this aspect can indicate that many people will be unfocused in thoughts and actions. Be a bit more cautious around water. Don’t over intoxicate, and enjoy nostalgia sparingly. This aspect can indicate mental exhaustion, hangovers from dreams, confused thinking, and misunderstood communications. Don’t assume intuition is correct even if yours normally is. When in doubt ask questions. Be careful, the propaganda will be flying thick. Do you really want to react to clickbait, or spend your precious time going down the rabbit hole of research or argument about questionable beliefs? This is a good aspect for meditation, and for activities that require imagination and inspiration.