Weekly Astrology Aug 30 to Sep 6
We have before us a very busy week of astrological aspects with Mercury unusually active. Expect news and more heated discussions about current events.
Yesterday’s Mercury trine Jupiter remains an influence on the beginning of this week. On the negative side this aspect can indicate false optimism that can get us into trouble. Be cautious as the aspects Sunday are not nearly as pleasant and could indicate difficult consequences. On the positive side this aspect can indicate joyful and productive communication, healthy optimism, enlightening travel, reading and conversations that help set the stage for success. Moderation and clarity will help you get the best results.
This morning Venus opposition Pluto was exact. We wish to have intense experiences, catharsis in the name of romance or art, but there is a tendency to try to force a way, or to ignore the needs of others. Relationships and creativity may require reform and repair. It’s good to be extra cautious with this aspect as the desire to simply have fun or to experience beauty if pursued carelessly can have dire consequences. So be mindful. For creative people this is a good time to assess our work but don’t hit delete as the perspective may be excessively relentless. Avoid arguments by understanding that we are all facing continuous stress. Be kind and be affectionate to those you love.
Late this morning Mercury opposition Neptune was exact causing Mercury retrograde like confusion, increased danger from intoxication, and from contagious infection, so again, take care out there. Mercury opposition Neptune is not good for negotiations unless both parties are prepared to be sympathetic and are ready to clearly ask and answer questions. But for creative work this can be a marvelous aspect of inspiration and imagination. Don’t waste it on nostalgia, speculation, or zoning out mentally. Read something mystical, psychic or metaphysical. Learn something by writing down an evocative dream. But do be careful when in transit as people tend to be spaced out and confused with this aspect. Slow down. Be mindful. Don’t let your ego get in the way of health.
Just before 2 AM Pacific Monday Aug 31 sun inconjunct Chiron is exact. Chiron indicates healing but often through crisis. Pay attention to the messages your body is sending you. What habits are working for you? What habits are not?
Tue Sep 1 Mercury trine Pluto is exact just before 3:45 PM. This aspect can cause preoccupation with sexuality, but also with dread and doubt about the big picture. Don’t get sucked into the news feed or posting snappy comebacks. If you’re creative use this aspect to break through to a new level in your work. It’s also good for researching healing, repairs, and metaphysics. Further your understanding of your life. Especially good for writers.
Also Tue the full moon in Pisces arrives at 10:22 PM. This can be an emotional full moon, with a tendency to take a long look at the past. Where have you come from? How have you done? What would you do differently going forward?
Wed Sep 2 Venus opposition Saturn is exact just after 5:15 AM. With adverse aspects to Saturn and Pluto this week could be especially exasperating for women and for artists of all kinds. This aspect can indicate exhaustion and depression. Identify your weaknesses and strengthen them with study, mentorship, and practice. Be patient. Be thorough. And get some extra rest. If your relationships are suffering consider meditating on impermanence. All that we hold precious disappears in time. Cherish every moment you have with those you love.
Also Wed sun trine Uranus is exact about ten minutes after 7 AM bringing a little excitement to the week, a dash of the unexpected. The desire to do something different can be very strong but be cautious as there are so many difficult aspects happening, too. Look into new tech, new perspectives and new communities that may help you liberate your life in significant ways.
Thu Sep 3 Mercury trine Saturn is exact at about 12:3O AM, a good aspect for looking at structure, for organizing creative work, and for knowing when to stay silent. Improve your position by reading or viewing educational materials. Lay out a framework for going forward. Plan how to better take care of chores. Remember, it’s not drudgery, it’s prevention of harm.
Also Thu the moon enters Aries at 1:22 PM beginning a new trip around the zodiac. This can be a bit like a new moon, bringing fresh energy. Aries especially may feel more energized after the moon leaves Pisces. But there can be an argumentative and irritable side to moon in Aries. Think twice before reacting.
Fri Sep 4 Venus square Mars is exact just before 2:15 AM. Normally this can be an aspect of sexual and creative friction that can be enjoyable, but with so much stress and anxiety, not to mention anger, worrying the collective, this aspect could easily turn into arguments and struggles, especially between the genders. Be kind to those you love and keep in mind that everyone is feeling compromised, and no one is at their best.
Also Fri Mercury inconjunct Mars is exact at 6:15 AM. This could indicate information about a surge in the pandemic. It’s another irritable aspect, prone to argument, but there can be healthy catharsis, perhaps the realization that a better use of this energy might be researching new approaches to exercise or sports. Suppressed ambition, anger or libido could contribute to health issues with this aspect, so pay attention to your needs and the needs of others.
Also Fri Mercury sextile Venus is exact just after 1:30 PM. This flirtatious aspect will probably be far less enjoyable for most of us given the pandemic and the political crisis, but it is wonderful for creative work, and for communication. For even better results wait until after 12:45 AM Saturday when Mercury leaves picky Virgo for artistic and balanced Libra. Use the time before then to analyze and organize your approach.
Sat Sep 5 Mercury enters Libra just after 12:45 AM, a good placement for art. If you’ve been extra nervous and given to speculation and worry since Aug 21 you may experience some relief. Focus on relationships and creativity. Make fair deals. Become more effective by welcoming partnership.
Next Sunday Sep 6 Venus enters Leo at 12:22 AM bringing a sunnier atmosphere to the planet of love and art. If you’ve been feeling over sensitive and emotional, you may find it easier to come out of your shell. Women who have been dealing with more traditional roles and restrictions due to the pandemic may begin taking more leadership, and for artists it’s time to let shine what Venus in Cancer revealed.
The following week is quiet except that Mars will go retrograde on Wed Sep 9 and Jupiter will go direct on Sat Sep 12. This could indicate a surge in the pandemic, and there is danger of violence as stationary Mars intensifies the energy of war, ego and conflict. Ambitions and frustrated urges can cause trouble. Don’t force your way. With Mars retrograde the consequences of violent actions will be on display. Aries you may feel quite energized, but avoid belligerence. Jupiter direct will be a relief to Sagittarians as Jupiter has been retrograde since May 27. What was happening in your life at that time? What have you learned? Where and how would you like to move forward?
This is a roller coaster of a week, but it brings abundant opportunities for communication and for creativity. By being mindful, and taking it easy, we can get the best out of the good and bad aspects, preparing ourselves for the shift that the Mars and Jupiter stations indicate. Enjoy summer as autumn is around the corner. Set up good habits now, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, as fall promises to be a challenging time.
Remember, Dec 21, the Great Conjunction in Aquarius arrives, indicating a new 20 year period. The last was in Taurus. Consider the negative traits of Taurus: stubbornness, selfishness, bull headed self interest, possessiveness, love of luxury, and the rest. It seems we’ve had precious little of the positive side of Taurus in this 20 year period. But then Taurus is in the first quadrant of the zodiac which in many esoteric schools is said to indicate primitive somewhat raw beginnings. Aquarius is fourth quadrant, allegedly the most enlightened group of signs. We haven’t seen a Great Conjunction in an air sign, let alone Aquarius for a very long time. It’s quite a shift from Taurus to Aquarius. Keep that in mind as we end this disappointing but perhaps useful and therefore ultimately constructive twenty year cycle.