Weekly Astrology July 19-July 27
We have before us a relatively quiet week. It begins a little rough with Mercury opposing Saturn Monday, but features the new moon in Cancer also on Monday, and Mercury sextile Uranus on Wednesday. Try to take it easy this week. Take a deep breath before a series of Mercury oppositions and Mars squares roil the atmosphere.
You see, over the next six months we have a series of difficult aspects to Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn, culminating with the Great Conjunction of 2020 commencing a new cultural cycle. Since the Great Conjunction will be in the sign of Aquarius it’s likely that science, space travel, collective equality, individualism, the psychic and the futuristic will be favored.
We are in the midst of the first series of the aspects, as the sun opposed Jupiter then Pluto last week, and will oppose Saturn Monday July 20. Ponder last week. Was there a crisis, perhaps toward the middle of the week? Did it start with more optimism than it’s ending with? It’s good for us to get to know this pattern as it will be repeated next by Mercury and then by Mars.
Jupiter can mean opportunity, success, joy, civic mindedness, issues with justice, and optimism, personal and collective. The risk is over optimism, rose colored glasses, freedom at the expense of others, over doing, over spending, over indulgence, expecting success but sabotaging it with arrogance, or false certainty.
Pluto brings us experiences that have the life and death gravity of losing what we once cherished, of facing up to the need for reforms or repair. Usually these are long drawn out processes that cause a great deal of stress, like a pandemic. But Pluto can also bring real healing, tranquility, that wondrous sense of having survived, and the sparkling presence in the moment of a successful renewal.
Saturn demands that we face facts, limitation, time, restrictions and places where we must accept an ending. It can indicate exhaustion, depression, the dark night of the soul, a surrender to pessimism, and even soul murder. But Saturn can help us. Positive Saturn characteristics include patience, discipline, simplicity, organization, diligence, thoroughness, practicality, drudgery (which after all is prevention of harm).
From July 27 until August 6 Mercury will follow the sun’s steps from this week, opposing first Jupiter, then Pluto then Saturn. Issues that came up last week and that come up early this week are likely to require further attention. We’ll explore those aspects during the appropriate weekly report.
With Mars squaring Jupiter, Pluto, then Saturn, all the way from August 1 into the beginning of January, an unusually long duration for a Mars square, 2020 is in for one hell of an ending.
Mars square Jupiter is arrogant, violent, and convinced it’s right even when proven wrong. Mars square Pluto is even more violent, and capable of criminality and the kind of law of the jungle mentality that can cause tragedies. Don’t get into arguments with strangers. Don’t waste your energy insulting people online, or fretting over conspiracies you can’t do anything about. Focus on catharsis and healing. Put energy into reforms and repairs.
Mars square Saturn can be disappointing, exhausting, critical of self and others. Don’t bring up the past. Address the problems of the present. With the presidential election in the midst of these aspects we can expect the worst kind of fraud, fighting and ruthlessness. We’ll get into more depth about these aspects as they come around during the next couple of months.
So, again, enjoy this relatively quiet week before the grand finale of the cycle that began at the Great Conjunction of May 2000.
Monday July 20 in the late morning the New Moon moon arrives. Time to contemplate starting something new. But don’t be in a rush since also Monday at 3:28 PM Pacific sun opposition Saturn is exact. Take it easy. Get some rest. Don’t fall into pessimism and depression. Keep it simple. Be practical. Consult a mentor or elder. Use study and practice to make your weaknesses into strengths. Don’t waste this aspect tearing down others, yourself, or the future. Stay focused on the moment.
Tue July 21 at 8:51 AM Mercury will square Chiron. This can indicate a crisis involving health, or news about one. But Chiron can bring serious healing. Do some research. Communicate. Find out about ways to feel better and function better.
Wed July 22 at 1:37 AM the sun leaves Cancer for Leo bringing a brighter atmosphere. Also Wed Mercury sextiles Uranus at 1:25 PM Pacific. This aspect makes this week a good time for communicating, for updating your tech, for researching futuristic approaches, and for cleaning out the cobwebs in your thought chambers.
That’s it for this week. The following week is very active astrologically speaking, beginning with a beautiful Jupiter sextile Neptune. Masterpieces may be created this month and next. The study of the mystical, psychic and spiritual can help cheer you up. Movies and holidays may be especially magical. But don’t become overly optimistic with Jupiter, and deluded and in denial with Neptune. There’s too much Saturn and Pluto out there for reckless risk taking.
As next weekend rolls in the following Monday’s Venus inconjunct Jupiter, Venus square Neptune, and Mercury square Mars will turn up the emotional heat, especially in relationships. Communicate with care.
Photo by Tamra Lucid