Weekly Astrology Nov 8 — Nov 16
Friends, we have before us a pivotal week of astrological aspects. The third and final Jupiter Pluto conjunction occurs this week, marking the end of a cycle that began in late March. Mars is emphasized all week as it slows down then turns stationary retrograde on Friday. Anger and reckless actions abound with this kind of astrological weather. Between the risk of violence and the ongoing pandemic, probably surging again after voting and the ensuing demonstrations and celebrations, this is another of the many weeks this year that are not good for taking risks. Since it’s the dark of the moon why not take it easy, though these two astrological events may make the urge to take some sort of dramatic action irresistible.
This morning just before dawn the dark of the moon arrived. This is a time for finishing, resting and reflecting, not for starting new projects or for striking out in another direction. As we watch America’s system of checks and balances get a workout we can nourish and nurture ourselves and others.
Monday Nov 9 at 8:08 AM (all times Pacific) Venus opposition Mars is exact. This can indicate romantic friction in good and bad ways. Men and the militant on one side, feminists and friends on the other; the division in the country will be starkly visible. In our personal lives we can balance action with grace, bringing harmony to our desires and ambitions, riding a wave of creativity. Mars in Aries wants to do it alone and immediately, but Venus in Libra likes partnerships. Find the balance and have some fun. Be kind and sensitive to avoid unnecessary conflict. Where conflict is necessary pay attention to what the other side has to say.
Also Monday sun trine Neptune is exact at 9:11 PM bringing inspiration for creative people, insightful dreams for some, and confused malaise for others. A good aspect for using the imagination, and for assisting others. Empathy can help us get good results for everyone, not just ourselves.
Tue Nov 10 Mercury enters Scorpio at 1:55 PM. Suspicions, paranoia, research, conspiracies, nasty comments, the next few weeks, but especially this week will see communications with stingers. Try not to join the fray. Observe and learn. Enjoy doing research if you wish but don’t fall down the rabbit hole of doom scrolling. Practice patience and detachment while the suspense continues.
Wed Nov 11 Venus inconjunct Neptune is exact at 4:31 PM indicating creative opportunities especially in romance and the arts. But inconjunctions can indicate issues around health. Disturbing news or statistics about the pandemic perhaps. Women and femmes, people of an artistic persuasion and related Venusians may be feeling exhausted, perhaps ill. If so pay more attention to self care and less to the spectacle.
Thu Nov 12 Jupiter conjunct Pluto is exact at 1:39 PM. The first of these conjunctions occurred in the first week of April. The second occurred at the end of June. Look back to your experiences around those times. What have you learned? Is there more to learn? We shall see if the worst potentials of this aspect prevail. In that case expect ruthless authoritarianism in action, a frightening wave in the epidemic. But if enough of us have made and are making conscientious choices we may see the better angels prevail. We shall see how well designed the checks and balances really are. Speculate if that’s your pleasure, but for now we wait and see.
Friday Nov 13 Mars is stationary direct at 11:48 PM so watch out for situations where anger could trun to violence. Suppressed libido, frusttation or ambition can turn into aggression. Watch out when driving this week. Don’t cut anybody off. Road rage could get ugly with these aspects. So could politics. Will we see a reversal of some kind? A case against the election that actually holds water? Or a surprising truce? We will find out soon. In our own lives this is a good time for redefining what we mean by success. For those who have been working hard to evolve themselves, devoted to worthwhile creations, you may find that you have arrived in some way. This aspect is with us until Dec 8, a little less than a week before the electors vote to make the next president official.
Saturday Nov 14 sun sextile Pluto is exact at 11:48 AM, one of four sextiles today that might help the better angels. As the sun and moon sextile Jupiter and Pluto the lessons of the three Jupiter Pluto conjunctions, and the changes that they have made in all our lives, will become clear. The opportunity to integrate ourselves into this new vision of the world could leave us gaping in wonder at how the world has changed this year. We begin to feel that the year is drawing to a close. Pluto always brings the danger of obsession and ruthlessness but also healing and transformation. What sort of healing and transformation do you desire?
Also Saturday sun sextile Jupiter is exact at 7:57 PM. That night the moon sextiles first Jupiter then Pluto on the way to the new moon at 23 Scorpio at 9:07 PM. Saturday evening could be special. Enjoy the optimism of Jupiter but don’t over indulge or over do. Don’t let false optimism or false certainty mislead you.
Sunday Nov 15 Mercury inconjunct Chiron is exact at 1:35 AM. Worry and speculation can leave us with health problems. Don’t let your brain exhaust your body. Listen to the messages you are getting about your well being. Do some research, communicate, make the necessary adjustments to details, with the goal of healing.
Also Sunday Venus square Pluto is exact at 11:43 AM. This can be an arrogant and aggressive aspect. It can indicate the rough stuff in romance, an attraction to the transgressive in the name of catharsis. Venus square Pluto can bring an intensity to creativity that emphasizes the more disturbing experiences of life. Power struggles in relationships are possible. For best results communicate clearly and take your time.
Also Sunday Venus square Jupiter exact at 9:33 PM tends to indicate all sorts of over doing based on over optimism and false certainty, especially in the areas of pleasure seeking and romance. Don’t rush into anything. Moderation can help you avoid the harsh consequences indicated by Pluto. These are not innocent times. Dire battles over the fate of humanity are ongoing, even if people are having a hard time agreeing on what exactly they are. Next weekend have fun, Do something that makes you feel joyous. Celebrate and appreciate. Fall in love with life again.
Here is a Manly Hall quote to ponder, a lesson this pandemic and the other challenges of 2020 may teach us: “As long as the human being is obsessed by worldliness, he will suffer from the Karmic consequences of false allegiances. When however, worldliness is transmuted into Spiritual Integrity he is free, even though he still dwells physically among worldly things.”
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