Weekly Astrology Report: August 9 — August 16
Late this morning Mercury in Leo trined Chiron in Aries setting the tone for a week where inconjunctions and aspects to Chiron indicate issues around health and healing. Inconjunctions have a way of revealing inconvenient consequences of unbalanced habits. Chiron indicates healing, but especially in Arie,s healing by crisis and catharsis. Perhaps new statistics will startle us again.
These aspects doesn’t bode well for the big biker rally at Sturgis. Do some reading about healing. Listen to the messages your body sends you. Reactions to food, stress, thoughts. With Mars square Pluto so strong this week try to cultivate the tranquil side of Pluto. Calm will see you through.
Monday Aug 10 Mercury square Uranus is exact just before 6 AM Pacific. With Uranus stationary retrograde Saturday Aug 15 the unexpected and shocking can give us a new perspective. Don’t rush anything. Don’t let nervousness, or blurted thoughts, cause unnecessary disruptions. Slow down. Plan ahead. Peruse new tech. Look for ways to modernize your communications, and for ways to liberate minds.
Also Monday sun inconjunct Jupiter at 11:35 PM can indicate health issues around over indulgence. A desire for optimism may run aground as the process is slower than anticipated. Assume that help is out there. But it may take time to find it.
Wed Aug 12 sun inconjunct Neptune just after 7:30 AM suggests malaise and weakness, exhaustion mid week, but negative tendencies can be exasperated by alcohol and other intoxicants, including propaganda. Take it easy. With Mars square Pluto nearly exact take no risks.
Thu Aug 13 Mars square Pluto is exact at 12:14 AM. This aspect will be with us through part of October. Repressed anger, libido, ambition can turn into arguments, violence or underhanded actions. Drastic statements and power grabs are likely. It will be all too easy to spend the next two months smoldering at the abundant causes for outrage provided by social and mass media daily. But this is also an opportunity to let go of old bad habits and liberate the way you make your mark on the world. Stay away from violent people. Don’t dwell on the morbid or obnoxious. Act with calm. Set a helpful tone for others by walking with tranquility through difficult times.
Mars square Saturn will arrive Aug 24. Things we stress now may break then. Don’t exhaust yourself with Plutonic obsessions. This aspect will also be with us for an unusually long time, due to Mars going retrograde on Sep 9.
Friday Aug 14 Mercury inconjunct Jupiter is exact just before 4:30 AM, suggesting that hopes and optimism have little to do with the news of the day. Plans for recovery must be postponed again in some way. Impatient optimism could cause a health crisis. It’s a good time for writing and communications but in an unstructured way. Don’t edit as you go. Just see what you get.
Saturday Aug 15 sun inconjunct Pluto is exact at 3:13 AM. Tranquility is possible but stress is more likely. We are bombarded daily by images of medical crisis and by more images of same intended to contradict them. Suspense and fear of mortality are strong now. Healing is possible if you can make a treaty between your day to day self and the need for letting go what is beyond repair.
Uranus is stationary retrograde just before 7:30 AM on Saturday. So this week, next weekend, and the following week may be full of surprises. New tech, new scientific discoveries, we’re sure to see disruptions of one kind or another. This could be an opportunity for greater freedom, or for doing things in a whole new way. For some a Uranus station is a nervous and hyper time, but calm will get better results.
Sun Aug 16 is busy with ponderous aspects beginning with Mercury inconjunct Pluto at 8:38 AM, another indication of news about a health crisis, but also another opportunity to do research on reform and repair, death and rebirth. It would be easy to waste this aspect on righteous indignation or morose obsessiveness about the painful experiences occurring around us. But it can help us find ways to achieve improved health and well being.
Also Aug 16 sun trine Mars is exact just after 7 AM providing a boost of energy that could go badly with Mars square Pluto still so strong. Put the extra vigor to good use, with exercise of one kind or another.
Also Aug 16 Venus square Chiron is exact a minute before 5 AM yet another indication of health crisis. Ladies, if you’ve been pushing yourselves beyond the limit this is a good time to slow down despite the aspects indicating urgency. Art and music can have an especially healing influence while this aspect is strong for a few days.
Also Aug 16 Mercury trine Mars is exact at 10:39 PM. The wrong use of this aspect would be fruitless argument that, with Mars square Pluto, could easily turn ugly surprisingly swiftly. For writers and other communicators and creators it’s a good time to work. You may be expressing yourself more forcefully than you think, and so may others, so ask questions and don’t jump to conclusions.
The following week is a bit of a respite. Mars square Pluto and the other pandemic related aspects are still going strong, but the small aspects are fewer and more harmonious. So get ready for a roller coaster ride this week, but a pleasant if temporary splashdown the week following.