Weekly Astrology: Sep 6- 14

Ronnie Pontiac
4 min readSep 6, 2020


Photo by Tamra Lucid

Venus entered Leo just after midnight early this morning. While Venus can be quite comfortable in home and family loving Cancer, for many the shift to Leo will be a welcome boost in energy and confidence. Romance and art may have languished during Venus in Cancer as the imagination incubated new approaches, and emotions and basic needs required attention. But now Venus wants to shine in Leo. Get a fresh start in love and creativity. Remember, however, that showing off may be met with disdain by those less fortunate.

Wed Sep 9 sun trine Jupiter just after 9 AM Pacific can bring some much needed optimism and perhaps opportunities for success, and more importantly, happiness. There can be a temptation to over indulge, over spend, or to view only the positive side of situations and potential. Look for some innocent fun. Don’t ignore fortuitous circumstances.

Also Wed, Mars is stationary retrograde at 3:22 PM. Libido, anger, ambition may be very strong this week, especially as Jupiter stationary direct on Saturday amplifies the desire to expand, to succeed, to get out into the world. But we still have that difficult series of Mars squares to Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto working their way through the rest of this year, with Saturn and Pluto stations in conjunction in late September/early October, Jupiter conjunct Saturn in December, and Saturn square Uranus dominating 2021. Great successes are possible, but hard work, delays and challenges are likely. Don’t let frustration with sexuality, career or politics get you involved in unnecessary fights online or off. Avoid aggressive people and encounters as violence can happen easily with Mars stationary retrograde. Unfortunately there is the possibility that an event may occur that will cause another profound reaction against violence.

Thu Sep 10 Mercury opposes Chiron just before 3:30PM. Do some research about what ails you. Communication may be frustrated by health issues. Chiron can indicate healing through crisis. With Mercury involved there could be some kind of news about the progress of the pandemic. In our own lives it’s important to pay attention to small signs. What is the source of your discomfort? Don’t ignore stress which can lead to many ailments. Give some thought, or have some conversations, about how to achieve well being physically and emotionally.

Fri Sep 11 sun opposition Neptune is exact just before 1:30 PM. This can be a confusing aspect, and commuting can be a bit like Mercury retrograde, so be careful during the latter half of this week and through next weekend. In communications be sure to clarify and to ask questions because this aspect can indicate miscommunication. Deception and propaganda flourish with sun opposing Neptune, someone may try to convince you of something by using questionable facts. The desire for escapism and intoxication can be strong, so practice moderation. Meditation, extra rest, imagination and inspiration, charitable and sympathetic actions are favored.

Sat Sep 12 Mercury inconjunct Uranus just after 5:30 AM may indicate surprising news. Inconjunctions can indicate health issues, but always point to two areas of life that just don’t complement each other. The key is to pay attention to both, to adapt in ways that preserve the balance. Mercury in Libra requires attention to the arts, romance, relationships, fairness, and grace. Uranus in Taurus brings disruptions and new approaches to food, comfort, finances, and stubborn self interest. Research new tech that might help you accomplish more. If areas of your life that once felt solid now seem insecure explore new ways to achieve stability.

Also Sat Jupiter is direct at 5:41 PM. Sagitarrians will be relieved to resume forward motion. Jupiter has been retrograde since mid May. All of us can ask ourselves what has played out since then? Have we lost joy, or missed opportunities, or did we rise to the occasion and do our best? How has our direction been altered by what we have experienced since then? What new opportunities for happiness, success, and achievement have we found, or do we need to spend some time contemplating what we really want out of life?

Sun Sep 13 just before 4:30 AM Venus trine Chiron is exact. This can indicate healing through art, music, love, beauty. Take some time next weekend to enjoy any or all of these. Get healthy by bringing more love and appreciation into your life. Let the splendors of nature and of creativity restore your well being. For artists a great time to add a dimension of healing power to our work. This aspect can help heal emotional wounds in relationships, so be kind and considerate. Find beauty hiding everywhere in plain sight during these difficult times for society.

Next Monday Sep 14 sun trine Pluto is exact, another aspect with healing potential, especially through repairs, reforms or catharsis. Meditate on impermanence and on the necessity of letting go what we can no longer hold on to. By releasing the past we can make space for the future. What would you like that future to be? Where to when the pandemic, and the election, are at last behind us?



Ronnie Pontiac
Ronnie Pontiac

Written by Ronnie Pontiac

A place for my writing about spiritual mysteries, American Metaphysical Religion, astrology, and related subjects. As a kid I was mentored by Manly P. Hall.

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